Which of the following are advanced scripting techniques for test execution tools?

  1. Data-driven and keyword-driven

  2. Data-driven and capture driven

  3. Capture driven and keyhole-driven

  4. Playback-driven and keyord-driven

Correct Option: A

To understand this question, the user needs to know the basic concepts of test automation and the common scripting techniques.

Data-driven testing is a technique that uses data from external sources (such as spreadsheets or databases) to drive test execution. Keyword-driven testing is a technique that uses a set of keywords or actions to define test steps. Capture-driven and keyhole-driven are not commonly used scripting techniques in test automation. Playback-driven is a term that refers to the ability of a tool to record user actions and then play them back as a test script. However, it is not an advanced scripting technique.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

The Answer is: A. Data-driven and keyword-driven.

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