How many views are available in Defect Module ?

  1. one

  2. Two

  3. Three

  4. Four

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the Defect Module in the context it is being referred to. The Defect Module is commonly used in software testing or bug tracking systems to track and manage reported defects or issues.

In the Defect Module, views are typically used to provide different perspectives or filters on the defects data. Each view can display a subset of the available defects based on specific criteria or conditions.

According to the question, the correct answer is A) one. This means that there is only one view available in the Defect Module. This single view may provide a comprehensive overview of all the defects or may be pre-filtered to show specific categories or priorities of defects.

It's important to note that the number of available views in a Defect Module can vary depending on the specific bug tracking or testing system being used. Some systems may offer multiple predefined views, while others may allow users to create custom views based on their specific needs.

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