From a Testing perspective, what are the MAIN purposes of Configuration Management? i) Identifying the version of software under test. ii) Controlling the version of testware items. iii) Developing new testware items. iv) Tracking changes to testware items. v) Analysing the need for new testware items.

  1. A. ii, iv and v.

  2. B. ii, iii and iv.i,

  3. C. i, ii and iv.

  4. D. i, iii and v.

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To answer this question, we need to understand the main purposes of Configuration Management in the context of testing. Let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) ii, iv, and v - This option is correct because Configuration Management is responsible for controlling the version of testware items (ii), tracking changes to testware items (iv), and analyzing the need for new testware items (v). These purposes help ensure that the correct versions of testware are used and that changes to testware items are properly tracked.

Option B) ii, iii, and iv.i - This option is incorrect because it includes option iii, which states "Developing new testware items." While Configuration Management may play a role in managing the development of new testware items, it is not one of the main purposes of Configuration Management from a testing perspective.

Option C) i, ii, and iv - This option is incorrect because it does not include purpose v, which is "Analyzing the need for new testware items." This is an important purpose of Configuration Management in testing, as it helps determine when new testware items need to be created.

Option D) i, iii, and v - This option is incorrect because it does not include purpose ii, which is "Controlling the version of testware items." This is a crucial purpose of Configuration Management in testing, as it ensures that the correct versions of testware are used.

The correct answer is A. A. ii, iv, and v. This option includes all the main purposes of Configuration Management in testing.

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