What is the smallest number of test cases required to Provide 100% branch coverage? If(x>y) x=x+1; else y=y+1; while(x>y) { y=x*y; x=x+1; }

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

Correct Option: B

AI Explanation

To determine the smallest number of test cases required to provide 100% branch coverage, we need to analyze the given code and identify the different branches or decision points.

In the given code, there are two decision points:

  1. The if statement: if (x > y)
  2. The while loop condition: while (x > y)

To achieve 100% branch coverage, we need to test all possible outcomes of these decision points.

Let's analyze the code and identify the possible outcomes:

  1. The if statement:

    • If (x > y) is true: x = x + 1
    • If (x > y) is false: y = y + 1
  2. The while loop condition:

    • If (x > y) is true: continue looping and execute the statements within the loop
    • If (x > y) is false: exit the loop

Based on the above analysis, we can determine the minimum number of test cases required:

  • Test case 1: x > y is true, and x > y is true in the while loop condition (execute the statements within the loop)
  • Test case 2: x > y is false, and x > y is true in the while loop condition (exit the loop)

Therefore, the smallest number of test cases required to provide 100% branch coverage is 2.

Let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) 1 - This option is incorrect because we need to test both outcomes of the if statement and the while loop condition. Option B) 2 - This option is correct because it covers both outcomes of the if statement and the while loop condition. Option C) 3 - This option is incorrect because we do not need to test three different cases. Option D) 4 - This option is incorrect because we do not need to test four different cases.

The correct answer is B) 2. This option is correct because it covers all possible outcomes of the decision points in the code.

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