Consider the following statements about early test design: (i) early test design can prevent fault multiplication (ii) faults found during early test design are more expensive to fix (iii) early test design can find faults (iv) early test design can cause changes to the requirements (v) early test design takes more effort

  1. i, iii & iv are true. ii & v are false

  2. iii is true. i, ii, iv & v are false

  3. iii & iv are true. i, ii & v are false

  4. i & iii are true. ii, iv & v are false

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To answer this question, let's go through each statement and determine whether it is true or false:

(i) Early test design can prevent fault multiplication - This statement is true. Early test design helps identify and fix faults in the early stages of development, preventing them from propagating and causing further issues.

(ii) Faults found during early test design are more expensive to fix - This statement is false. Finding and fixing faults early in the development process is generally less expensive than finding and fixing them later.

(iii) Early test design can find faults - This statement is true. Early test design involves analyzing the requirements and design to identify potential faults or issues.

(iv) Early test design can cause changes to the requirements - This statement is true. During the test design phase, it is possible to identify deficiencies or inconsistencies in the requirements, leading to changes or modifications.

(v) Early test design takes more effort - This statement is false. Early test design actually saves effort and resources by identifying and addressing potential faults early on.

Based on the evaluation of each statement, we can conclude that options A, B, C, and D are incorrect.

The correct answer is option A. This option correctly identifies statements (i), (iii), and (iv) as true, while statements (ii) and (v) are false.

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