Tag: zoology

Questions Related to zoology

The general Agave and Yucca were once placed in two different families, Amaryllidaceous and Liliaceous respectively. However, now both these genera are transferred to the family Agavaceae because of their similarity in.

  1. Anatomy

  2. Pollen

  3. Geographical distribution

  4. Karyotypes

Correct Option: A

The highest category in taxonomy is 

  1. Phylum

  2. Class

  3. Kingdom

  4. Species

Correct Option: C

  • According to the taxonomical hierarchy, the kingdom is the highest category in biological classification. It is a group of closely related organisms. 
  • Kingdom → Phylum → Class → Order → Family → Genus → Species.
  • Example: All plants have common features of the autotrophic mode of nutrition and the presence of a cell wall made up of cellulose. Hence, they belong to the kingdom Plantae.
So, the correct option is 'Kingdom'.

Three kingdom system was proposed by 

  1. Haeckel

  2. Whittaker

  3. Aristotle

  4. Mayer

Correct Option: A

In 1860s, the German investigator Ernst Haeckel proposed a three-kingdom system of classification. Haeckel's three kingdoms were Animalia, Plantae, and Protista. 

In Vedic times, living organisms were classified into following number of classes

  1. 2

  2. 3

  3. 4

  4. 5

Correct Option: B

In Vedic times, the ;living organisms were divided into the following:

1. Born from the womb (Jivagi.)
2. Born from egg (Andaja.)
3. Born from sprouts (Udbhija.)

Hence, the correct answer is option B. 

Which of the following scientist created the group Protista for both unicellular plants and animals?

  1. Haeckel

  2. Pasteur

  3. Lister

  4. Koch

Correct Option: A

In the year 1866, Ernst Haeckel proposed the three kingdom classification. The three kingdoms are protista, plantae and animalia. The unicellular prokaryotic organisms were placed in the group of monera. This group includes the organisms which have chloroplast and resemble plants as well as the organisms which resemble animals. The group of protists are divided into two groups as plant-like protists and animal-like protists. 

Thus, the correct answer is option A. 

Cleidoic egg is found in

  1. Birds

  2. Reptiles

  3. Insects

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: D

Cleidoic eggs have a protective shell, and are laid out of water. The shell is porous to air, and may be flexible or calcareous (hard). The eggs contain all the food the embryo needs to develop into a hatchling. The significance of the cleidoic egg is that it enables reproduction out of, and often away from, water. It is a characteristic of birds and reptiles. Hence, option D is correct.

The presence of gill slits, in the embryos of all vertebrates support the theory of?

  1. Metamorphosis

  2. Biogenesis

  3. Organic evolution

  4. Recapitulation

Correct Option: A
Metamorphosis is a biological processes by which an animal physically develops after birth or hatching, involving a conspicuous and relatively abrupt change in the animal's body structure through cell growth and differentiation. Metamorphosis is iodothyronine-induced and an ancestral feature of all chordates. For e.g. presence of gill slit in the embryos explains the origin of respiratory systems in all vertebrates.
So the correct answer is 'Metamorphosis'.

The evolution of this structure lead to the human lineage.

  1. Bone

  2. Cranium

  3. Jaws

  4. Notochord

  5. Vertebrae

Correct Option: D

The notochord is the defining structure forming in all chordate embryos. In humans beings, the notochord is formed in the third week and eventually replaced by the vertebral column. 

The aim of social forestry is to make available

  1. Fodder

  2. Minor timber

  3. Fire wood

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Social forestry means the management and protection of forests and afforestation on barren lands with the purpose of helping in the environmental, social and rural development. The term, social forestry, was first used in India in 1976 by The National Commission on Agriculture, Government of India.

The aim of social forestry is to make available:
  • Fodder
  • Minor timber
  • Fire wood
Thus, the correct answer is option D.

Chipko movement' is connected with

  1. Project tiger

  2. Plant breeding

  3. Protection of environment including habitat and wild life

  4. Conservation of natural resources

Correct Option: C

'Chipko movement' is connected with protection of environment including habitat and wild life.

In the 1970s, an organized resistance to the destruction of forests spread throughout India and came to be known as the Chipko movement. The name of the movement comes from the word 'embrace', as the villagers hugged the trees, and prevented the contractors' from felling them.