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Select the appropriate headline for the following:

The Prime Minister will be holding talks with neighboring countries regarding the building of dams across some of the major rivers of the country.

  1. Prime Minister will hold talks for dam

  2. Prime Minister to hold talks for dam

  3. The Prime Minister to hold talks for dam

  4. Prime Minister to hold talks for dam.

Correct Option: B

The correct answer is option B. In headlines events to be held in future are denoted with an infinitive. 'Prime Minister to hold talks for dam' thus denotes the central idea ideally. Option A is in future tense ans does not have an infinitive and so stands incorrect. Option C is incorrect as it has an Article used in it. Option D is incorrect as it ends with a full stop which does not adhere to the norms of headline writing.

Select the appropriate headline for the following:

A famous football player has been critically injured in a car accident on Tuesday.

  1. Famous football player injured

  2. A famous football player injured

  3. Famous football player has been injured

  4. Injured: famous football player

Correct Option: A

The correct headline for the given context is option A. The function of a headline is to provide the reader an overall idea of the whole incident mentioned. "Famous football player injured" mentions that the incident has already occurred and the person indicated is identified and known. Option B is incorrect as 'A famous football player' does not indicate any individual. Option C is incorrect as the tense in the headline should indicate the time of occurrence of the incident and the details can be mentioned in the article. Option D does not explain the context at all.

Select the appropriate headline for the following:

The number of missing cases has risen by 20% in the last month. The local police have joined forces with several agencies and neighboring state police forces in order to track the missing persons.

  1. Rise in missing cases

  2. Rise in missing cases.

  3. A rise in missing cases

  4. Missing cases have risen

Correct Option: A

The correct answer is Option A. It gives the central idea of the article and follows the norms of the headline writing. Option B is incorrect as headlines do not end with a full stop. Option C is incorrect as articles are generally dropped in a headline. Option D is incorrect due to improper use of tense, as perfect tense is generally not used in headlines.

Identify the error in the given headline:

Mayor has admitted mistake: apologizes to public

  1. has admitted

  2. :

  3. apologizes

  4. No error

Correct Option: A

The correct answer for the error is Option A. An event that has immediately occurred is written in simple present in the headline. So, 'Mayor admits mistake: apologizes to public' will be the correct form of the headline.  Option B and C are incorrect errors as they adhere to headline writing format and thus are correctly put in the headline. Option D stands invalid here.

Identify the error in the given headline: 

Man has lost 10 pounds in two weeks

  1. has

  2. in

  3. lost

  4. No error

Correct Option: A,C

The errors in the given headlines are Option A and and Option C. We omit auxiliary verbs from a sentence while writing it as a headline for brevity and so 'has' should have been omitted in the headline. An immediate past event is written as present in the headline so instead of 'lost' we should have used 'loses' in the headline. The correct headline would be ' Man loses 10 pounds in two weeks'. Option B and Option D stand invalid as errors in the given context.

Identify the correction in the given headline:

Wallace offers compromise while Davidson declines 

  1. Wallace offers compromise. Davidson declines

  2. Wallace offers a compromise, Davidson declines

  3. Wallace offers compromise while Davidson declines

  4. Wallace offers compromise; Davidson declines

Correct Option: D

The correct headline is Option D. The format in this option is well suited for the context. We replace conjunctions with punctuation and here 'while' is replaced with a semi-colon (;). Option B is incorrect as comma (,) stands for smaller pause and generally replaces 'and'. Options A and C do not adhere to the format of a headline.

Identify the error in the given headline:

Lincoln said: 'The war has begun'

  1. said

  2. :

  3. single inverted commas

  4. has

Correct Option: A

The correct error is option A. In headlines the word 'said' is replaced by colon ( : ). Option B is not an error as it is used in the correct place. Option C is not an error as quotes are place inside single inverted commas. Option D is not an error as 'has' here is a part of the quote and thus cannot be omitted.

Select the appropriate headline:

Two men, aged 60 and 45 years, received kidney transplants at the Wockhardt Hospital on Thursday. Both patients are doing well after the operation. The donor, who was a woman aged 68 years, was declared brain-dead after suffering from a stroke.

  1. Kidney preserved for 12 hrs was transplanted

  2. Kidney preserve for 12 hrs transplant

  3. Kidney was preserved for 12 hrs transplanted

  4. Kidney preserved for 12 hrs transplanted

Correct Option: D

The correct headline is Option D. It is precise and provides accurate information about the event in the appropriate format. Options A and C are incorrect due to the inclusion of a 'be verb', 'was', in different places of the headline. Option B is incorrect because of the wrong tense of the verb. In a headline a past perfect tense is written as simple past.

Select the appropriate headline:

On the school's annual cultural fest, the children of Nazareth Academy, Gaya, on Tuesday took a pledge to play a proactive role in protecting the earth and the environment.

  1. Gaya school kids vowed to protect environment

  2. Gaya school kids have made a vow to protect environment

  3. Gaya school kids vow to protect the environment

  4. Gaya school kids vow to protect environment

Correct Option: D

The correct headline is Option D. The headline is precise and provides accurate information about the event in an appropriate format. Option A is incorrect due to the use of the wrong tense of the verb. A past event is generally written as simple present in a headline. Option B is incorrect as past participle form of a verb is not used in a headline. Option C is incorrect due to the usage of the 'article', 'the' as articles are generally avoided in a headline.

Select the appropriate headline:

The Goa Bank Employees Association and the All India Bank Employees Association (AIBEA) said that adopting a cashless economy was not possible in a state like Goa. They said that eliminating cash transactions completely would be nearly impossible.

  1. 100% cashless economy not possible, said Associations

  2. A 100% cashless economy not possible

  3. 100% cashless economy not possible

  4. 100% cashless economy is not possible

Correct Option: C

The correct headline is Option C. The headline is precise and provides accurate information about the event in an appropriate format. Option A is incorrect due to the additional information included which are not accurate and thus making the headline inappropriate. Option B is incorrect due to the use of the 'article', 'a', which is avoided in headline writing. Option D is incorrect due to the usage of the 'be verb', 'is', which is generally avoided in a headline.