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In which format would you write about the following:
Driving a car for the first time

  1. Poster

  2. Headline

  3. Diary entry

  4. Advertisement

Correct Option: C
The correct answer is Option C. A diary entry is generally written to record one's feelings, emotions and thoughts on an incident related to the writer or to record an event important to the writer.
Option A is incorrect as a poster is generally used to advertise or promote eye-catching facts or products.
Option B is incorrect as a headline generally gives us a quick overview of an article or a piece.
Option D is incorrect as an advertisement is used to inform the consumers about the product or services of a company.

In which format would you write about the following:
Birth of your first niece

  1. Speech

  2. Headline

  3. Poster

  4. Diary entry

Correct Option: D
The correct answer is Option D.
In a diary entry, the writer pours his feelings, emotions and thoughts like talking to a best friend. The language used is informal and personal depicting the correct emotion felt at the moment.
Options A, B and C are incorrect as the purposes of these formats do not match to the given context.

In which format would you write about the following:
Feelings and thoughts on parents' wedding anniversary

  1. Dialogue

  2. Journal

  3. Diary entry

  4. Poster

Correct Option: C

The correct format is Option C. Diary entry is used to account personal experiences. 'Feelings and thoughts on parents' wedding anniversary' i completely personal and thus should be written as a 'diary entry'. Options A, B and D are incorrect as they do not adhere to the format of writing personal experiences. Each of them have a different purpose.

In which format would you write about the following:
Thoughts on the first stage performance with your band

  1. Diary entry

  2. Poster

  3. Headline

  4. Journal

Correct Option: A

The correct answer is Option A. A diary entry is generally written to record one's feelings, emotions and thoughts on an incident related to the writer or to record an event important to the writer.
Option B is incorrect as a poster is generally used to advertise or promote eye-catching facts or products.
Option C is incorrect as a headline generally gives us a quick overview of an article or a piece.
Option D is incorrect as a journal is a record that is maintained on a regular basis.

Identify the change in the line/phrase which best suits a diary entry:
lost a wallet

  1. You can't imagine the horror I felt when I realized I had lost my wallet...

  2. Suddenly, she realized that her wallet was missing.

  3. You lost your wallet?

  4. Careful not to awaken the passenger, the thief pulled the wallet out of his shirt pocket...

Correct Option: A
In a diary entry, the writer pours his feelings, emotions and thoughts like talking to a best friend. The language used is informal and personal depicting the correct emotion felt at the moment.
The correct answer is Option A. The writer was horrified to find that he had lost his wallet.
Options B and C are incorrect as in a diary entry one writes for himself and thus 'I' is used to address oneself.
Option D is incorrect as the statement does not match the format of diary entry in this context.

Identify the change in the line/phrase which best suits a diary entry:
visit from an old friend

  1. Millie paid me a visit today. She and I had met after a long time.

  2. Millie, a friend of hers, went to her house. She hadn't seen her friend in many months.

  3. I was shocked when Millie came by the house today. I hadn't seen her in ages.

  4. It was a pleasant surprise to have been visited by Millie on this day.

Correct Option: C
In a diary entry, the writer pours his feelings, emotions and thoughts like talking to a best friend. The language used is informal and personal depicting the correct emotion felt at the moment.
The correct answer is Option C. The writer is shocked and extremely happy which is evident form the statement.
Options A and D are incorrect as the statements are way too formal for a diary entry and thus do not adhere to the format of a diary entry.
Option B is incorrect as the writer is not writing it for herself.

Identify the change in the line/phrase that best suits a diary entry:
receiving an award

  1. Today I am extremely happy: I got an award for best student!

  2. Today, I was the recipient of the best student award. I am very happy.

  3. Receiving the best student award was an incredible experience.

  4. I will now recall the events of receiving the best student award....

Correct Option: A

In a diary entry, the writer pours his feelings, emotions and thoughts like talking to a best friend. The language used is informal and personal depicting the correct emotion felt at the moment.
The correct answer is Option A. The writer is extremely happy and the statement makes it evident.
Options B, C and D are incorrect as the statements are too formal to be used for a diary entry and thus do not adhere to the format of a diary entry for the given context.

Identify the change in the line which best suits a diary entry:
Seeing a ghost-like shape

  1. And soon, he realized that he had been looking upon a ghost-like figure...

  2. I will see a ghost-like shape...

  3. I thought I was seeing a ghost!

  4. "Ghost! Ghost!" He shouted as he ran....

Correct Option: C

The correct answer is Option C. Diary entry generally uses language to express one's personal experiences. Options A and D are incorrect as it is seen that it has been written for someone else using 'he', a third person pronoun instead of 'I', a first person pronoun. Option B is incorrect as the sentence is in future tense and generally diary is a record for events that have already occurred.

Identify the change in the line which best suits a diary entry:
Going on a trip to Goa 

  1. I went on a trip to Goa last week.

  2. You will go to Goa next week.

  3. Then they decided to go on a trip to Goa, where they had a lot of fun.

  4. Goa is a beautiful place to visit for tourists.

Correct Option: A

The correct answer is Option A. Here the writer is writing about an experience he has already experienced at his Goa trip. Option B and C are incorrect as the sentences portray that the writer is writing somebody else. Option D is incorrect as it describes a place in general but not an individual experience.

Identify the change in the line/phrase which best suits a diary entry:
sad that a friend left town

  1. Today, my best friend Tania left town. It was a sad experience.

  2. Tania, who is a friend of mine, left town today.

  3. Today was one of the worst days of my life. Tania, my best friend, left town!

  4. When a close friend is no longer near, we are left feeling empty and incomplete.

Correct Option: C
In a diary entry, the writer pours his feelings, emotions and thoughts like talking to a best friend. The language used is informal and personal depicting the correct emotion felt at the moment.
The correct answer is Option C. The writer is sad and disappointed and the statement makes it evident.
Options A and B are incorrect as the statements are way too formal for a diary entry and thus do not adhere to the format of a diary entry.
Option D is incorrect as the statement is justifying the feeling but whose feelings are those, is not clear.