Tag: english

Questions Related to english

Fill appropriate articles where necessary:

A: What did you have for              breakfast this morning?
B: Nothing. I never eat              breakfast.

  1. no article ; no article 

  2. no article ; a 

  3. a ; no article 

  4. the ; the 

Correct Option: A

No article is used before names of meals. Therefore, the correct option is A.

Choose an appropriate article to fill in the blank:

Have you had _____ dinner yet?

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before the names of meals. Therefore, the correct option is: no article.

Fill in the blank with an appropriate article:

I'm afraid of _____ dogs.

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before plural countable nouns used in a general sense as 'dogs' in the given sentence. Therefore, the correct option is: no article. 

Fill using a suitable article where necessary:

______ apples are good for you.

  1. A

  2. An

  3. The

  4. No article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before plural countable nouns used in a general sense. Here, "apples" are being spoken about in general and not any apple in particular. Therefore, the correct option is: No article. 

Insert an appropriate article:

What causes _____ aggression?

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before abstract nouns. 'Aggression' is an abstract noun. Therefore, the correct option is: no article. 

Fill in the blank with a suitable article:
____ life is strange sometimes. You never know what is going to happen next. 
  1. A

  2. An

  3. The

  4. No article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before abstract nouns. 'Life' is an abstract noun. Hence, it won't be preceded by an article. 

Fill in the blank with an appropriate article:
One of our biggest social problems is ____ unemployment.

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before abstract nouns. 'Unemployment' is an abstract noun. Therefore, the correct option is: no article. 

Fill in the blank with a suitable article:

I saw _____ bears in Yellowstone National Park.
  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before plural countable nouns used in a general sense. 'Bears' is a plural countable noun and is used in a general sense here. Therefore the correct option is: No article. 

Fill in the blank with an appropriate article:

Do you know ______ Professor Brown's phone number?

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before proper nouns. Professor Brown is a proper noun. Therefore, the correct option is: no article. 

Fill in the blank with a suitable article:

______ Hyde Park is a very large park in central London.

  1. A

  2. An

  3. The

  4. No article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before most proper nouns. Hyde Park is a proper noun. Therefore, the correct option is: No article.