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Questions Related to english

Fill in the blank with a suitable option.

The heading of the note is written _______________.

  1. at the end of the page

  2. in the middle of the page and at the beginning

  3. after the sub-heading

  4. before the key

Correct Option: B

As conclusion is written at end of note. A is incorrect.
As, sub sub-heading comes after the sub-heading, C is incorrect.
As, sub sub=headings are written before the key, D is incorrect.
B is correct as the heading is placed at the beginning and in the middle of the page to draw attention to it. 

Choose an appropriate option in relation to note writing:
The first step in note writing is ___________________.

  1. writing the note directly

  2. reading or listening carefully

  3. deciding the important points

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

The correct answer is Option B.

A note is a short and informal record of something that is written to jog the memory later.
Note writing follows a particular format and is a step by step process.
The first step is listening or reading carefully the subject on which the note is to be prepared.
On basis of this first step one decides the important points and writes the note. 
The above-mentioned explanation rules out Option A and C as correct options and the correct answer is option B.

Which of the following should be kept in mind while using abbreviations in note-making?

  1. Use standard abbreviations as far as possible

  2. Maintain your own abbrevaitions

  3. The heading should not be abbreviated

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The correct answer is Option D.

Use of abbreviations is a component of note-making. Note-making does not follow rules of grammar, punctuation and spelling.
A few points to be kept in mind while using abbreviations include:
1. Use of standard and established abbreviations like kg for kilogram, ltr for litre etc. (Option A)
2. Maintaining your own abbreviations in a manner that the basic form of the word is maintained. (Option B)
3. The heading should not be abbreviated (Option C)
All of the above- Option D is the correct answer.

Which are the important components in note making?

  1. Heading

  2. Sub-headings

  3. Points

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

In note making, the writer records the essence of the information. It helps us to understand and clarify thinking. Note making saves a lot of time by going through the notes made. One can get a glimpse of a lot of information from a short note. Thus, headings are very important as they show the title of the note at a  glance. Subheadings are also important as they subdivide the main topic. Notes are convinient to review if they are made in a point system. Hence, A, B and C are all very important in note making. Just choosing one of these options renders the answer correct. Only D is the correct answer. 

Fill in the blank with a suitable option. 

The key in note making should _________________.

  1. be enclosed within a box

  2. be written at the end of the note

  3. contain the list of abbreviations used in the note

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D

The correct answer is Option D.

The key is an important component of note-making.
1. It is written at the end of the note.
2. It contains the abbreviations written in the note.
3. It is enclosed within a box.
The answer is, therefore, Option D - all of the above.

It is important to include all the details in a note.
The given statement is __________________.

  1. Partially true

  2. Completely true

  3. Completely false

  4. Partially incorrect

Correct Option: C

The correct answer is Option C.

Note-making only includes the main points and ideas of the text or the lecture. One is not supposed to include all the details in the note.
Hence the given statement is completely false.
Option C is thus the correct answer.  

Fill in the blank using an appropriate article:

Who is ______ Doctor Johnson?

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before proper nouns. 'Doctor Johnson' is a proper noun. Therefore, the correct option is: no article. 

Fill with a suitable article:

If you're looking for a good clothes shop, I would recommend ______ Harrison's.

  1. a

  2. an

  3. the

  4. no article

Correct Option: D

No article is used before most proper nouns. 'Harrison's' is a proper noun. Therefore, the correct option is: no article.

The following sentence refers to two separate coats.
I have a blue and red coat.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

The statement is false because the sentence refers to only one coat that is blue and red in colour. When we use adjectives to modify two different nouns, we will use an article before each adjective. Therefore, if we were referring to two separate coats, the sentence would be:
I have a blue and a red coat.

P : His letter for admission to engineering institute, which was received yesterday, has gone missing.
Q : The bouquet of flowers, which was ordered yesterday, has just arrived.

Which of the above statements is/are gramatically correct?

  1. Both right

  2. Both wrong

  3. Only P right

  4. Only Q right

Correct Option: D

P is wrong. We require 'the' before 'engineering institute' since we are referring to a specific one. So, only Q is right, which is option D.