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Questions Related to english

State whether the following statement is true or false:

The pronoun 'it' is used to denote things without life. 

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The pronoun 'it' is used to denote things without life. The subject pronouns can be divided into two general categories – Personal and impersonal pronouns. A personal pronoun is a pronoun that is associated with a particular person, like ‘he’ or ‘she’. While an impersonal pronoun is used to speak about inanimate objects/things. ‘It’ is an impersonal pronoun that is used for this purpose. Thus the given statement is true. 


Fill in the blank with a suitable pronoun:

_______ is raining heavily.

  1. He

  2. She

  3. It

  4. They

Correct Option: C

The subject pronouns can be divided into two general categories – Personal and impersonal pronouns. A personal pronoun is a pronoun that is associated with a particular person, like ‘he’, ‘she’ and ‘they’. While an impersonal pronoun is used to speak about inanimate objects/things. ‘It’ is an impersonal pronoun that is used for this purpose. In the given sentence the verb 'raining' is an impersonal one that doesn’t refer to an action that a person performs. In such case ‘it’ is used as the subject. Thus option C is correct. On the other hand, ‘he’, ‘she’ and ‘they’ cannot be used because they are personal pronouns that are used to denote a person, which is not the case here. Thus options A, B, and D are incorrect. 

Fill in the blank with a suitable pronoun:
Mr. Kim is our professor. _______ teaches us Philosophy.

  1. It

  2. He

  3. They

  4. We

Correct Option: B

The subject pronouns can be divided into two general categories – Personal and impersonal pronouns. A personal pronoun is a pronoun that is associated with a particular person, like ‘he’, ‘she’ and ‘they’. While an impersonal pronoun is commonly used to speak about inanimate objects/things. 'It’ is an impersonal pronoun that is used for this purpose. Since the subject of the sentence is a person, ‘it’ cannot be used. Thus option A is incorrect. Further, under personal pronoun, we use ‘he’ for third-person singular, ‘they’ for third person plural and ‘we’ for first person plural. As the sentence speaks about ‘Mr. Kim’ in the third person and since it is just one person, we must use ‘he’. Thus option B is correct, while options C and D are incorrect.

Fill in the blank with a suitable pronoun:

This is your room's key. Keep _______ safe.

  1. he

  2. she

  3. what

  4. it

Correct Option: D

A personal pronoun is a pronoun that is associated with a particular person, like ‘he’, ‘she’ and ‘they’. While an impersonal pronoun is commonly used to speak about inanimate objects/things. ‘It’ is an impersonal pronoun that is used for this purpose. The given sentence the subject is a ‘room’ therefore ‘it’ would be the apt answer. Thus option D is correct. On the other hand, ‘he’ and ‘she’ cannot be used since ‘room’ is not a person. Thus options A and B are incorrect. ‘What’ is an interrogative pronoun that is used to for asking questions. Since the sentence doesn’t pose a question, option C is incorrect. 

Fill in the blank with a suitable pronoun:

The baby is crying. _______ must be hungry.

  1. He

  2. She

  3. They

  4. It

Correct Option: D

The subject pronouns can be divided into two general categories – Personal and impersonal pronouns. A personal pronoun is a pronoun that is associated with a particular person, like ‘he’, ‘she’ and ‘they’. While an impersonal pronoun is commonly used to speak about inanimate objects/things. But additionally, an impersonal pronoun is also used to refer to young children or babies. ‘It’ is an impersonal pronoun that is used for this purpose. The given sentence the subject is a ‘baby’ therefore ‘it’ would be the apt answer. Thus option D is correct. On the other hand, ‘he’ and ‘she’ cannot be used since it is a ‘baby’. We don’t use masculine or feminine pronouns for a ‘babies’unless providing special emphasis to their gender’ Since that is not the case here options A and B are incorrect. ‘They’ is a personal pronoun used to denote a subject that occurs in the plural form. As the subject is singular, option C is incorrect. 

Fill in the blank with a suitable pronoun:

_______ is always sunny in our city.

  1. Mine

  2. Your

  3. What

  4. It

Correct Option: D

An impersonal pronoun is commonly used to speak about impersonal things/ideas. ‘It’ is an impersonal pronoun that is used for this purpose. In the given sentence the verb denotes an impersonal action, i.e. an action that is not performed by a person. In such a case ‘it’ is used as the subject. Thus option D is correct. On the other hand, ‘Mine’ and ‘Yours’ are possessive pronouns that are used to talk about things that belong to people. Since the sentence doesn’t speak about belonging, options A and B are incorrect. Similarly ‘What’ is an interrogative pronoun that is used to pose a question, which is not apt here as the sentence is not an interrogative sentence. Thus option C is incorrect.

Fill in the blank with a suitable pronoun:

He named his dog Chopa. _______ is a Welsh Corgi.

  1. He

  2. It

  3. What

  4. His

Correct Option: B

A personal pronoun is a pronoun that is associated with a particular person, like ‘he’ or ‘she’. While an impersonal pronoun is commonly used to speak about inanimate objects and animals. ‘It’ is an impersonal pronoun that is used for this purpose. In the given sentence the noun is a ‘dog’ therefore ‘it’ would be the apt answer. Thus option B is correct. On the other hand, ‘He’ cannot be used since it is a ‘dog’ and not a person. Thus option A is incorrect. ‘His’ is a possessive pronoun that is used to talk about things that belong to people. Since the sentence doesn’t speak about belonging, option D is incorrect. Similarly ‘What’ is an interrogative pronoun that is used to pose a question, which is not apt here as the sentence is not an interrogative sentence. Thus option C is incorrect.

Identify the kind of pronoun used in the sentence:
It is very cold today.

  1. Personal pronoun

  2. Impersonal pronoun

  3. Interrogative pronoun

  4. Possessive pronoun

Correct Option: B

The pronoun in the sentence is ‘It’. It is an impersonal pronoun that is used to denote an inanimate object/thing. Thus option B is correct. Whereas a personal pronoun is a pronoun that is associated with a particular person, like ‘he’, ‘she’ and ‘they’. Since ‘It’ is the pronoun used and as 'it' doesn’t refer to a person option A is incorrect. On the other hand, interrogative pronouns that are used for asking questions, for example, ‘what’, ‘who’ and ‘which’. Thus option C is incorrect. Similarly, option D is unsuitable because possessive pronouns are used to talk about things that belong to people. The words ‘mine’, ‘yours’, ‘his’ ‘her’ etc are examples of possessive pronouns. Thus option D is incorrect.

Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns:
Ms. Ginny is my secretary. ____ brings her laptop to meetings. ____ has cracked at the edge.

  1. It, She

  2. She, It

  3. She, What

  4. What, She

Correct Option: B

A personal pronoun is a pronoun that is associated with a particular person, like ‘he’, ‘she’ and ‘they’. While an impersonal pronoun is commonly used to speak about inanimate objects/things. 'It’ is an impersonal pronoun that is used for this purpose. Since the second sentence speaks about a person and the third sentence highlights an object, ‘it’ and ‘she’ cannot be used in the first and second blank respectively. Thus option A is incorrect. The first blank should be filled with ‘she’ since it denotes ‘Ginny’ and the second blank should be filled with ‘it’ as it replaces the noun ‘laptop’. Thus option B is correct. Further ‘What’ cannot be used in both blanks because it is an interrogative pronoun that is used to pose a question. Since the sentence doesn’t pose any questions ‘what’ is unsuitable. Thus options C and D are incorrect.

Fill in the blank with a suitable pronoun:

I bought a new album. _______ is by a new band.

  1. He

  2. She

  3. It

  4. Hers

Correct Option: C

A personal pronoun is a pronoun that is associated with a particular person, like ‘he’, ‘she’ and ‘they’. While an impersonal pronoun is commonly used to speak about inanimate objects/things. ‘It’ is an impersonal pronoun that is used for this purpose. In the given sentence, the noun is an ‘album’ therefore ‘it’ would be the apt answer. Thus option C is correct. On the other hand, ‘He’ and ‘She’ cannot be used since an ‘album’ is not a person. Thus options A and B are incorrect. ‘Hers’ is a possessive pronoun that is used to talk about things that belong to people. Since the sentence doesn’t speak about belonging, option C is incorrect.