Tag: packaged enterprise solutions

Questions Related to packaged enterprise solutions

  1. 50000 - 50002

  2. 50000 - 50010

  3. 63000 - 65535

  4. 50000 - 50100

Correct Option: C
  1. a) Web based test automation tool

  2. b) Web based test management tool

  3. c) Web based test case design tool

  4. d) Load testing tool

Correct Option: B
  1. a) from the Test Lab module

  2. b) from the Requirements module

  3. c) From the defects module

  4. d) From the releases module

Correct Option: B
  1. a) Requirements -Test coverage & Test Plan –Requirement coverage

  2. b) Requirements – Linked defects & Test Plan –Requirement coverage

  3. c) Test Lab – Execution Flow tab & Requirements -Test coverage

  4. d) Requirements--> Link Defects & Test Lab --> Link defects

Correct Option: A
  1. a) test plan

  2. b) test lab

  3. c) defects

  4. d) releases

Correct Option: B
  1. a) convert releases to tests

  2. b) define test folders and tests manually

  3. c) save automated tests in Quality Center

  4. d) define test names for each test needed

Correct Option: B