Tag: history

Quizzes Related to history

Organisational skills of shivaji maharaj - class-VII

organisational skills of shivaji maharaj
Ques 31 0 Taken 0

Ancient civilizations in river valleys - class-V

ancient civilizations in river valleys
Ques 43 0 Taken 0

Historic Holiday Traditions with Mickey and friends

winterholidayfun #disney #mickeymouse #holidaytrivia
Ques 8 0 Taken 0

The Mauryan Empire

This is about the greatest kingdom of all the mauryans history
Ques 15 0 Taken 0

Development of Historiography in the west

Development of Historiography in the west
Ques 25 0 Taken 0

Pastoral nomand and their movements - class-IX

pastoral nomand and their movements
Ques 50 0 Taken 0

Were the peace treaties of 1919-23 fair? - class-X

were the peace treaties of 1919-23 fair?
Ques 42 0 Taken 0

Life after stone ages - class-VI

life after stone ages
Ques 45 0 Taken 0

Renaissance and reformation - class-IX

renaissance and reformation
Ques 100 0 Taken 0

Developments leading to quit india movement - class-XII

developments leading to quit india movement
Ques 74 0 Taken 0