Tag: biology

Questions Related to biology

Water day is celebrated on ............ every year.

  1. March 22

  2. April 22

  3. May 22

  4. June 22

Correct Option: A

Which of the following are reasons for depletion of underground water of a particular place?

  1. Population explosion

  2. Extensive urbanization

  3. Building concrete structures

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Depletion of underground water mainly cause by multiple factors like over population which increase water demand day by day. People move from rural area to urban for better lifestyle due this number of building are constructing. Concrete is main material used in building construction which take lot of water.

So, the correct option is 'All of the above'.

Which type of floor does not allow rainwater to seep into the ground?

  1. Cemented floor

  2. Marble floor

  3. Limestone floor

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C
  • Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed primarily of calcium carbonate($CaCo _3$) in the form of the mineral calcite.
  • Limestone tiles are made of natural stone, and it's one of the most affordable options if you want to avoid artificial materials for your flooring.
  • Limestone floor does not allow rainwater to seep into the ground because it is low porosity.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Limestone floor'.

Identify the reason for water scarcity.

  1. Increasing rate of population

  2. Increasing rate of industries

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

70% of the earth's surface is covered with water, yet only around 3%  is fit for human consumption.The remaining is frozen or salty.The consumption of water goes on increasing due to population,eventually leading to scarcity of water. The industrial wastes pollute the water reservoirs, making it unfit for human consumption.

Which of the following is  the greatest user of ground water?

  1. Chemical purposes

  2. Rural water supply

  3. Agriculture

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

The water present underground within cracks in between the rocks, soil or sand known as groundwater. This groundwater is replenished by the rain water that seeps into the soil through the cracks. It forms around twenty percent of the world's fresh water supply and is the major source of water in rural areas. Thus the correct answer is option B.

The main cause of water depletion is

  1. Over-pumping groundwater

  2. Water Pollution

  3. Global warming

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

The main cause of water depletion is due to over pumping of ground water

due to increase in population.
option $A$ is correct answer.

Which of the following can be the solution for water scarcity caused by agriculture?

  1. Knowledge and resources for producing more and better crops with less water.

  2. Drip water irrigation.

  3. More efficient water management systems adapted to climate variability.

  4. All of the above.

Correct Option: D

The following can be the solution for water scarcity caused by agriculture are:
a) knowledge and resources for producing more and better crops with less water.
b) drip water irrigation.
c) more efficient water management systems adapted to climate variability.

Which of the following uses the most water?

  1. Industrial use

  2. Agricultural use

  3. Domestic use

  4. Electronics

Correct Option: B

Mostly water is used in agriculture purpose.

option $B$ is correct answer.

Drip irrigation was commercialized first in by Israeli agronomists in the year of

  1. 1970's.

  2. 1980's.

  3. 1990's.

  4. 2000's.

Correct Option: A

Why is agriculture the cause of water scarcity?

  1. Because a large amount of crops require quality water in huge quantities.

  2. Because agriculture is the largest user of water.

  3. Both A and B.

  4. None of these.

Correct Option: C

Use of water in agriculture is the main cause of water scarcity because a large amount of appropriate quality and quantity of water is essential for the production of crops which makes agriculture is the largest user of water.