Tag: biology

Questions Related to biology

Which of the following is responsible for groundwater shortage?

  1. Heavy rainfall

  2. Aforestation

  3. Increasing population

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C
  • Groundwater is the water found underground in the cracks and spaces in soil, sand, and rock.
  • Groundwater is useful in many ways such as irrigation, drinking, washing, etc.
  • Increasing population is responsible for groundwater shortage.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Increase in population'.

Which of the following is the most responsible for world water crisis?

  1. Dams

  2. Floods

  3. Drought

  4. Population growth

Correct Option: C

BOD is ___________ in polluted water and ________in potable water.

  1. more, less

  2. less, more

  3. less in both

  4. medium in both

Correct Option: A
A low BOD is an  indicator of good quality of water. Whereas a high BOD indicates polluted water as in that water the dissolved oxygen is consumed by bacteria.
So, the correct option is 'more, less'

BOD of wastewater is amount of

  1. total organic matter

  2. biodegradable organic matter

  3. oxygen evolution

  4. oxygen consumption

Correct Option: D

biological oxygen demand is the amount of Oxygen required by aerobic micro-organisms for the breakdown of organic matter present in waste water or polluted water.

So, the correct answer is 'oxygen consumption'

Measurement of the rate of oxygen consumption in unit volume of water over a period of time is done to find out

  1. Biogas generation

  2. Biological oxygen demand

  3. Biosynthetic pathways

  4. Fermentation

Correct Option: B

Decomposition of organic matter by microbes requires oxygen. Degree of impurity of water due to organic matter is measured in terms of 'Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)'. BOD is the oxygen in milligrams required for 5 days in 1 litre of water at 20 degree centigrades for the microorganisms to metabolise organic wastes.

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a measure of

  1. Industrial wastes poured into water bodies.

  2. Extent to which water is polluted with organic compounds.

  3. Amount of carbon monoxide inseparably combined with haemoglobin.

  4. Amount of oxygen needed by green plants during night.

Correct Option: B

Decomposition of organic matter by microbes requires oxygen. Degree of impurity of water due to organic matter is measured in terms of Biochemical oxygen demand or (BOD). BOD is the oxygen required by microorganisms to completely metabolise organic wastes present in water.

Huge quantity of sewage is dumped in a river. The BOD will.

  1. Increase

  2. Decrease

  3. Slightly decrease

  4. Remain unchanged

Correct Option: A

A huge quantity of sewage increases Organic matter in the river water.

The oxygen demand by bacteria to degrade the organic matter increases.
The biological oxygen demand increases.
So, the correct option is 'Increase'.

Biochemical oxygen demand measures

  1. Industrial pollution

  2. Air pollution

  3. Dissolved oxygen required for decomposers

  4. Pollution capacity of effluents

Correct Option: C
Biochemical oxygen demand or BOD is the amount of oxygen required to decompose organic matter in one litre of polluted water.
If the water is more polluted, more will be the BOD because more will be the organic matter present in it and hence, more oxygen will be required to decompose it.
So, BOD measures the amount of dissolved oxygen required for decomposers to decompose the organic matter in the water.
So, the correct answer is 'Dissolved oxygen required for decomposers'.

Multiple Choice Questions
Biochemical oxygen demand may not be good index for water bodies receiving effluents from.

  1. Sugar industry

  2. Domestic sewage

  3. Dairy industry

  4. Petroleum industry

Correct Option: D

Biochemical Oxygen Demand or BOD is the amount of dissolved oxygen in a water body, required by microorganisms for the aerobic breakdown of organic matter in the water. Petroleum waste consists of inorganic constituents that also may cut off the oxygen supply into the water body thus BOD may not be a good index for water receiving effluents containing it.

So, the correct option is 'petroleum industry'.

If a water body have high amount of DDT it's 'Biochemical Oxygen Demand' (B.O.D.) will

  1. Decrease

  2. Not affected

  3. Increase

  4. First decrease than increase

Correct Option: C

Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is one of the most common measures of pollutant organic material in water. BOD indicates the amount of putrescible organic matter present in water. Therefore, a low BOD is an indicator of good quality water, while a high BOD indicates polluted water. When BOD levels are high, dissolved oxygen (DO) levels decrease because the oxygen that is available in the water is being consumed by the bacteria. Since less dissolved oxygen is available in the water, fish and other aquatic organisms may not survive.

So, the correct option is 'Increase'.