Tag: theories of distribution

Questions Related to theories of distribution

The average revenue curve of a monopolist firm is ____________.

  1. upward sloping

  2. downward sloping

  3. parallel to X axis

  4. u shaped

Correct Option: B

A natural monopoly has declining _________ over large range of output.

  1. long run average cost

  2. short run average cost

  3. long run total cost

  4. short run total cost

Correct Option: A

Natural monopoly is a situation which exist due to the high fixed or start up costs to set up a business. It is seen basically where there are unique technology, raw materials.etc. A monopoly based on size and market strength is known as natural monopoly. It also has a long run average cost which is declining over large range of output.

For a monopoly firm the MR curve ___________.

  1. overlaps AR curve

  2. is above the AR curve

  3. lies half way between AR Curve and the Y-axis

  4. is parallel to X-axis

Correct Option: C

When the demand of a pure monopoly firm is elastic, MR will be _______.

  1. negative

  2. positive

  3. zero

  4. none

Correct Option: B

Average revenue of a monopolist firm is __________.

  1. always more than the marginal revenue

  2. always less than the marginal revenue

  3. equal to marginal revenue

  4. any of the above is possible

Correct Option: A

A monopoly firms demand curve is __________.

  1. same as its supply curve

  2. same as its average revenue curve

  3. same as its marginal revenue curve

  4. a straight line

Correct Option: B

In the long-run equilibrium of a competitive market, firms operate at:

  1. The intersection of the marginal cost and marginal revenue

  2. Their efficient scale

  3. Zero economic profit

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

In the long run, a competitive firm operates at MC = MR, on the minimum of the LAC and earn zero economic profit, i.e, operate at normal profit levels.

Price discrimination will be profitable only if the elasticity of demand in different markets in which the total market has been divided is ____________.

  1. uniform

  2. different

  3. less

  4. zero

Correct Option: B

Price discrimination will be profitable only if the elasticity of demand in different markets in which the total market has been divided is different, since, that would give the firm an opportunity to charge differing prices and generate higher revenues.

The concept of marginal cost is closely related with which of the following?

  1. Variable cost

  2. Fixed cost

  3. Opportunity cost

  4. Economic cost

Correct Option: A

In a non-competitive market, when the demand of the product increases and the product price increases _______________.

  1. the marginal revenue curve will shift to the right

  2. the marginal revenue curve will shift to the left

  3. the firm will move up the marginal revenue curve and hire fewer units of the input

  4. the firm will move down the marginal revenuencurve and hire fewer units of the input

Correct Option: A

The marginal revenues curve follows from the demand curve/average revenue curve (it is twice as steep as the demand curve), thus if the demand curve shifts upwards the marginal revenue curve will also shift upwards.