Tag: theories of distribution

Questions Related to theories of distribution

The demand curve under monopolistic competition is _______________.

  1. Horizontal

  2. Infinitely elastic

  3. Negatively sloped and highly elastic

  4. Negatively sloped and highly inelastic

Correct Option: C

The demand curve for an individual firm is downward sloping in monopolistic competitionin contrast to perfect competition where the firm's individual demand curve is perfectly elastic. This is due to the fact that firms have market power: they can raise prices without losing all of their customers.

The upper position of the kinked demand curve is relatively __________.

  1. less elastic

  2. more elastic

  3. more inelastic

  4. inelastic

Correct Option: B

For a monopoly firm, __________.

  1. the price depends on the quantity of the commodity sold

  2. price is a decreasing function of the quantity sold

  3. The market demand curve shows the quantities that consumers as a whole are willing to purchase at different prices.

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: D

The quantity purchased by the consumers is  _______ function of the price.

  1. increasing

  2. decreasing

  3. not a 

  4. none of these

Correct Option: B

 _____ is the most visible exception to the inverse relationship of competitive market structure and competitive 

  1. Perfect competition

  2. Pure monopoly

  3. Oligopoly

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B
Competitive behaviour and competitive market structure are, in general,  inversely related; the more competitive the market structure, less competitive  is the behaviour of the firms. On the other hand, the less competitive the market structure, the more competitive is the behaviour of firms towards each other. Pure monopoly is the most visible exception. In a pure monopoly, there is only one seller, there is no competition in the market structure.

Individual farmers don't compete among themselves to sell a larger amount of crop because ______. 

  1. the individual farmer does not possess the power to influence the market price of the crop

  2. the given statement is false. They do compete.

  3. the individual farmer doesn't have the means

  4. none of these

Correct Option: A

A __________ has been defined as one where an individual firm is unable to influence the price at which the product is sold in the market.

  1. perfectly competitive market

  2. oligopoly

  3. monopoly

  4. none of these

Correct Option: A

Market demand curve shows the ______.

  1. quantities that consumers as a whole are willing to purchase at different prices.

  2. demand for a commodity in an area

  3. demand of the market in different conditions

  4. both A and B

Correct Option: A

The market demand curve is the addition of all the individual demand curves in the market. It shows the quantity demanded by the individuals at a given price point. Hence, the market demand curve shows the quantities that consumers as a whole are willing to purchase at different prices.

 The ________ curve will lie exactly on the market demand curve.

  1. TR

  2. MR

  3. AR

  4. none of these

Correct Option: C

Which of the following is true?

  1. AR= Price

  2. MR can be negative

  3. AR can be negative

  4. TR can be negative

Correct Option: A,B