Tag: introduction to disaster

Questions Related to introduction to disaster

Cyclones, floods, landslides, etc., are __________.

  1. Natural disasters

  2. Man-made disaster

  3. Divine reprisals

  4. Effects of environmental pollution

Correct Option: A

A ______ is an event which causes enormous physical damage to property, huge loss of life and drastic change in the environment.

  1. mishap

  2. hazard

  3. disaster

  4. accident

Correct Option: C

A Disaster is an event which causes enormous physical damage to property, huge loss of life and drastic change in the environment. The economic, social and cultural life of the people is affected and they need external help for food, shelter, medicine, financial and social support to overcome the disaster. Disaster is classified according to the origin as natural and man-made Disaster.

Hazard ______.

  1. is a dangerous event

  2. causes injury, loss of life

  3. cause damage to property

  4. all of these

Correct Option: D

All of these

A dangerous event that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, as well as damage and loss to property, infrastructure, livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption and, environmental damage is known as a hazard. A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone. 

Which of the following is not a natural disaster?

  1. Floods

  2. Deforestation

  3. Drought

  4. Earthquake

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is not an example of natural disaster?

  1. Floods

  2. Earthquake

  3. Terrorist attack

  4. Tsunami

Correct Option: C

Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence by a person or group. The goal is to intimidate or coerce societies or governments in an effort to promote political or ideological beliefs. These attacks can take many forms, and could happen at any time in any place. Terrorists typically exploit vulnerabilities, and may use technology, hazardous materials, biological agents or other methods to create devastating disruptions to the community.

Of the following which is a natural hazard?

  1. Earthquake

  2. Cyclone

  3. Landslide

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Systematic approach to identifying, assessing and reducing the risks of disaster is called ________.

  1. Biodiversity conservation

  2. Environmental protection

  3. Disaster Risk Reduction

  4. Globalisation

Correct Option: C

'Disaster risk reduction (DRR) is a systematic approach to identifying, assessing and reducing the risks of disaster. It aims to reduce socio-economic vulnerabilities to disaster as well as dealing with the environmental and other hazards that trigger them. DRR is very wide-ranging. Its scope is much broader and deeper than conventional emergency management. 

Which of the following statements are the Do's for the students regarding transport related accidents.

  1. Intimate instantly to ambulance service as an when the accident occurs.

  2. Inform the police about the accident happened.

  3. Medical assistance should be provided immediately to the injured people.

  4. All of the above.

Correct Option: D

Which of the following groups contributes to water management?

  1. Tarun Bhagat Group

  2. Jal Board

  3. Botanical Garden

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: D

International decade for Natural Disaster Reduction is ________.

  1. 1990s

  2. 1980s

  3. 1960s

  4. 1950s

Correct Option: A