Tag: the industrial revolution

Questions Related to the industrial revolution

The large scale factories began to develop ______ capital.

  1. Mercantile

  2. Social

  3. Natural

  4. Manufactured

Correct Option: A

Mercantilism refers to the economic policy wherein the trade and accumulation of goods were maximized by obtaining the cheap raw material from the colonies. The development of large scale factories in Europe during the Industrial Revolution required the raw material of cotton, jute etc. that lead to spread if mercantile capital.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of capitalism?

  1. Competition and consumer sovereignty

  2. Pursuit of personal profit

  3. Private ownership

  4. Government control of the economy

Correct Option: D

Capitalism is an economic, social and political system where private individuals control a country's trade and business. The government has little or no control over the market. The United States is a capitalist country. Capitalism prioritizes individual rights, private ownership, and free enterprise.

The beginning of the Industrial Revolution in England primarily resulted from

  1. Widespread overpopulation

  2. Increased trade

  3. National prosperity

  4. Agricultural innovation

  5. Abundance of resources

Correct Option: D

The beginning of the Industrial Revolution in England primarily resulted from agricultural innovation. New farming techniques and improved livestock breeding led to amplified food production. This allowed a spike in population and increased health.

Which of the following factors did NOT contribute to the industrial revolution in Europe?

  1. The accumulation of capital.

  2. Improved agricultural productivity.

  3. Improvements in navigational tools.

  4. Legal protection of private property.

Correct Option: C

Improvements in navigational tools.

Laissez-faire capitalism was an idea proposed by ___________________.

  1. moderate socialists

  2. mercantilists

  3. free-market industrialists

  4. abolionists

  5. labor unions

Correct Option: C

In the nineteenth century, India's economy was forced to:

  1. industrialize to meet the growing demands of a wealthy British middle class.

  2. abandon much of its food production in favor of expanding the production of textiles and cash crops.

  3. provide cheap labor for the factories of British.

  4. abandon its participation in the larger global economy in order to improve British trade.

Correct Option: B

Abandon much of its food production in favor of expanding the production of textiles and cash crops.

Arrange the following books in chronological order by using the code given below:
i. Das Kapital
ii. Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
iii. Patterns of Culture
iv. The Elementary Forms of Religious Life Codes:
  1. i ii iii iv

  2. ii i iii iv

  3. iv iii i ii

  4. iii iv i ii

Correct Option: B
Which of the following areas did NOT industrialize in the nineteenth century?
  1. The United States

  2. Russia

  3. Japan

  4. China

Correct Option: D

Industrialization first started in England in the eighteenth century. It spread to other parts of Europe, Russia, the United States of America and Japan in the nineteenth century. Under the leadership of Mao Zedong industrialization began in China during the mid-twentieth century (after 1950 AD).

By the late nineteenth century, leading industrial owers like Great British and the United States depended upon an economic system originally described by:

  1. John Locke

  2. Adam Smith

  3. Karl Marx

  4. Alexander Hamilton

Correct Option: B

Adam Smith.

The Industrial Revolution first began in __________ .

  1. England

  2. France

  3. Germany

  4. USA

Correct Option: A

Industrial revolution can be termed as a structural transformation that happened in the Great Britain during the  eighteenth century. It refers to the  changes in the technological, socioeconomic and cultural areas primarily due to  mechanization of agriculture, textiles, metallurgy, steam power etc. It helped England to maintain its supremacy, as the revolution took time to reach other European nations.