Tag: greater india

Questions Related to greater india

When did the rulers of Achaemenid dynasty of Iran occupied parts of North-western India?

  1. 400 B.C.

  2. 500 B.C.

  3. 600 B.C.

  4. 700 B.C.

Correct Option: C

Who spread the Indian numeral Zero to the world?

  1. Chinese

  2. Romans

  3. Arabs

  4. Mughals

Correct Option: C

Zero was invented by Indians. Once Zero was invented it transformed counting and Mathematics in a way that would change the World. This invention was spread to the world by Arabs. The Indians created a different symbol for every number for one to nine. They are today known as 'Arabic Numerals.'

When did the Arabs occupied Sind?

  1. 700 A.D.

  2. 712 A.D.

  3. 722 A.D.

  4. 732 A.D.

Correct Option: B

The rise of Islam in India began with the conquest of Sind, one of the provinces in present-day Pakistan and one of the important sites of Indus valley civilisation. Muhammad-Bin-Qasim, a Umayyad general conquered the Sind and Punjab region in a very tender age of 17 in 712 AD. Sind invasion is considered one of the world's historic marvels as it led to the spread of Islam in South Asia.

The rulers of Champa (Vietnam) and Kamboja (Kampuchea) promoted _________.

  1. Hinduism

  2. Islam

  3. Christianity

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

The ancient Indians formed two kingdoms on the mainland of Indo-China namely  Champa  and Kamboja. In all probabilities, Champa was in the second century. It included Cochin China and region of south Annam. Amravati was its capital. Broadly ancient Champa corresponds to modern Vietnam. The Hindus established both the kingdoms before Christian era followed Hindu ancient tradition.

India' overseas trade with Rome is mentioned in _________.

  1. Ptolemy's Geography

  2. Sangam literature

  3. Both A and B

  4. Rig Vedic texts

Correct Option: C

During the reign of Ashoka and Kaniskha, Buddhist missionaries were sent to  _____ for preaching Buddhism.

  1. Sri Lanka

  2. Central Asia

  3. China

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The spread of Buddhism was due to the missionaries activities during the reign of Ashoka. He sent his son Mahendra and daughter Sanghmitra to Srilanka to popularise Buddhism. He sent missionaries in the region of China and Central Asia to spread the religion. During the reign of king Kaniskha, many Indian missionaries were sent to Central Asia and China. They introduced Mahayana's Buddhism in this region.

What were the impacts of India's contact with Iran?

  1. These contacts introduced features like pillars topped by capitals, inscriptions on pillars.

  2. Introduction of Kharoshti script in India.

  3. Introduction of new style of coinage in India.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Who translated the Indian works in Mathematics, medicine, astronomy and literature into Arabic?

  1. Chinese

  2. Romans

  3. Arabs

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

After the conquest of Sind, many Indian Scholars such as Bhala and Manaka were invited to Baghdad. An Indian physician Dhana served as chief medical officer in Baghdad. Knowledge on Hindu Philosophy, Mathematics, Astronomy and Medicine became popular with the Arabs and notable works on same were translated into Arabic with the help of Indian scholars.  Many noted Indian works on Astronomy such as Brahma Sidhanta and Khanda Khadyaka were translated into Arabic.

How did India came in contact with the Iran?

  1. Through Alexander's Invasion over Sindh.

  2. Through the occupation of parts of North-western India by the rulers of Achaemenid dynasty.

  3. Through the invasions of Mughals.

  4. Through the invasion of Mohammed Ghori

Correct Option: B

Which ruler/s encouraged shipbuilding and overseas exploration?

  1. The Cheras

  2. The Cholas

  3. The Pandyas

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D