Tag: greek, roman and american civilisations

Questions Related to greek, roman and american civilisations

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the Greek city states?

  1. Despite frequent military conflicts, they shared a central government

  2. Although they were isolated from each other, they still shared the same political rights

  3. Despite frequent military conflicts, their inhabitants shared many cultural traits and ideals

  4. Because of the rise of democratic ideals, there were no absolutist governments

  5. Most of the population had a say in the laws that were created

Correct Option: A

The various Greek city-states often competed with each other over scarce resources. Therefore, each city state developed ______________.

  1. Distinct trading routes

  2. A strong military

  3. Walls to keep others out of the city center

  4. A complicated bartering system

  5. A system of tariffs

Correct Option: A

The Greek Polis, city-state, developed because of ______________________.

  1. The mountainous terrain that characterized Greece

  2. Mistrust between rival cities

  3. Aggressive outside cultures that made unification impossible

  4. Previous patterns of organized government

  5. Lack of strong political leadership

Correct Option: A

Sparta was ruled by 5 officials, elected by the citizens. These officials held executive power and made final decisions.

This describes which type of government?

  1. Dictatorship

  2. Direct democracy

  3. Monarchy

  4. Oligarchy

  5. Theocracy

Correct Option: A

All of the following statements about Athenian democracy are correct EXCEPT ___________________________.

  1. An assembly of men over the age of 18 met 4 times a month to debate laws and other important topics

  2. Each year 500 men over the age of 30 were chosen to join a council that prepared laws for the assembly

  3. Every citizen had the right to be judged by his peers

  4. Every citizen was expected to make intelligent decisions and perform official duties

  5. A philosopher king listened to the citizens and then made final decisions

Correct Option: A

The Greek poet Homer composed The Iliad and The Odyssey, poems which became models for all subsequent Western epic poetry.

Which of the following are characteristic to both pieces?

  1. Free flowing writing style

  2. Literal descriptions of historic events

  3. Emphasis on strengths and weaknesses of man

  4. Sense of hope about the future

  5. Emphasis on the inner world of women

Correct Option: A

Here each individual is interested not only in his own affairs but in the affairs of the state as well. We do not say that a man who takes no interest in politics is a man who minds his own business; we say that he has no business here at all.

This excerpt from A Funeral Oration by Pericles emphasizes which aspect of Athenian democracy?

  1. All are equal under the law

  2. Active civic participation of all citizens

  3. The importance of human reason

  4. The right to trial by jury

  5. The use of rhetoric in the political process

Correct Option: A

The Persian Wars resulted in all of the following consequences for the Greeks EXCEPT:

  1. That in their wake, Athens and Sparta dominated the other Greek city-states

  2. Create a lasting alliance between Athens and Sparta

  3. Create a sense of Greek superiority over other cultures

  4. Establish military dominance over the region

  5. Establish the Greeks' reputation as the protectors of democracy

Correct Option: A

How did Classical Greek and Chinese civilizations differ?

  1. The Chinese did not believe that their civilization was controlled by deities of any type

  2. The Greeks were, academically, less developed than the Chinese

  3. The Chinese government system was more unified than the Greek system

  4. The Greeks believed in monotheism while the Chinese believed in polytheism

  5. Women were more respected in Chinese society than in Greek society

Correct Option: A

A teacher of rhetoric in ancient Athens was called a ______________.

  1. Sophist

  2. Philosopher

  3. Socratist

  4. Orator

  5. Political coach

Correct Option: A