Tag: between the two world wars - the russian revolution and the great depression

Questions Related to between the two world wars - the russian revolution and the great depression

The Social Security Act of 1935 was important in that it _________.

  1. offered direct relief to eligible unemployed and disabled individuals.

  2. reformed the existing federal unemployment insurance system.

  3. created a new agency to monitor investment in the securities industry.

  4. provided relief for businesses in financial trouble as a result of the Depression.

  5. succeeded in relieving the problems of the banking system.

Correct Option: A

 They are offered direct relief to eligible unemployed and disabled individuals.

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the growth of the Communist Party in the United States in the 1930s?

  1. The Communist Party tapped into many people's doubts about the efficacy of the capitalist system during the Great Depression.

  2. The Communist Party, as part of its Popular Front strategy, avoided talk of impending revolution and advocated forming alliances with anti-fascist liberals.

  3. The Communist Party's work on behalf of African Americans, as is evident in the Scottsboro case, won it many adherents.

  4. The Communist Party's espionage work on behalf of the Soviet Union created an aura of dedication and audacity.

  5. The large number of Eastern European immigrants who had supported communism back home gravitated toward the Communist Party in the United States.

Correct Option: D

The Communist Party's espionage work on behalf of the Soviet Union created an aura of dedication and audacity..

Name the Russian monk who was a constant source of advice to the Tsar.

  1. Felix Yusupov

  2. Rasputin

  3. Nostradamus

  4. Leon trotsky

Correct Option: B
  • The Russian monk Rasputin was a constant source of advice to the Tsar.
  • He gained the influence of the Tsar because of his ability to treat the Tsar's son. Many people hated him and he was later murdered in 1916.

Where is the Winter Palace located?

  1. Moscow

  2. Kazan

  3. St.Petersburg

  4. Sochi

Correct Option: C
  • Winter Palace is located in St.Petersburg. In 1905, marchers advanced upon the Winter Palace in St.Petersburg to demand a change in the ruling system.
  • This led to a clash with the troops. Due to the unrest, the Tsar was forced to give in to the demands for change and promised a parliament.

Which country defeated Russia in the war that happened in 1904?

  1. Japan

  2. Britain

  3. Germany

  4. France

Correct Option: A
  • Russian Tsar Nicholas II wanted Russia to be powerful and so he looked for expansion in the East and Manchuria.
  • This led to a war with Japan in 1904 which Russia lost. Nicholas was blamed for the defeat.

Which country declared war on Russia at the inception of World War One?

  1. France

  2. Japan

  3. Germany

  4. Britain

Correct Option: C
  • In 1914, the World War One broke out. Nicholas made the decision to mobilize his army along the German border.
  • Germany saw this as an act of aggression and declared war on Russia.

Black Tuesday is a significant day in U.S. history because it marks the beginning of __________.

  1. U.S. involvement in World War II in 1941

  2. the Depression of 1929

  3. the atomic age with the bombing of Hiroshima in 1945

  4. World War I in 1914

  5. the great blackout in New York City in 1976

Correct Option: B

The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression that took place mostly during the 1930s, beginning in the United States. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations; in most countries it started in 1929 and lasted until the late-1930s

The administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt began with _________.

  1. A court-packing scheme

  2. An end to speculation in stocks an the stock market

  3. A decrease in unemployment

  4. The establishment of the Social Security system

  5. A bank holiday

Correct Option: E

The administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt began with A bank holiday.

A philosophical basis of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal was the _________.

  1. philosophy of Herbert Hoover

  2. practice of laissez-faire by the government

  3. combination of relief, recovery, and reform

  4. idea that wars end depression

  5. importance of gaining the approval of Congress before he established his programs

Correct Option: C

A philosophical basis of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal was the combination of relief, recovery, and reform.

Which of the following statements best defines the economic term "depression"?

  1. A sharp drop in business activity along with rising unemployment

  2. A large influx of foreign capital

  3. An unpredicted increase in exports with a decline in imports

  4. A lowering of interest rates

  5. The laws of supply and demand

Correct Option: A

Depression is defined as a severe and prolonged recession. A recession is a situation of declining economic activity. Declining economic activity is characterized by falling output and employment levels. Generally, when an economy continues to suffer recession for two or more quarters, it is called depression.