Tag: ruling the countryside

Quizzes Related to ruling the countryside

Education and British rule - class-X

education and British rule
Ques 26 0 Taken 0

Education during british rule - class-X

education during british rule
Ques 26 0 Taken 0

Modern system of education (british rule) - class-X

modern system of education (british rule)
Ques 26 0 Taken 0

Educational policy during british - class-X

educational policy during british
Ques 26 0 Taken 0

Battle of plassey and buxar - class-VIII

battle of plassey and buxar
Ques 50 0 Taken 0

Battle of plassey (1757) and battle of buxar (1764) - class-VIII

battle of plassey (1757) and battle of buxar (1764)
Ques 50 0 Taken 0

Battle of plassey - class-IX

battle of plassey
Ques 50 0 Taken 0

Battle of plassey (1757) and buxar (1764) - class-IX

battle of plassey (1757) and buxar (1764)
Ques 50 0 Taken 0

The revolts of peasants and the tribals - class-IX

the revolts of peasants and the tribals
Ques 55 0 Taken 0

Establishment of company power - class-VIII

establishment of company power
Ques 61 0 Taken 0