Tag: economic importance of bacteria and fungi

Questions Related to economic importance of bacteria and fungi

Select incorrect statement w.r.t edible mushrooms ____________________.

  1. Rhizomorph do not have root cap like structure

  2. Spawn is used for their culture

  3. Edible part is actually basidiocarp

  4. Dikaryotisation occurs by crozier formation

Correct Option: A

Root caps are the growing part of the roots present at the tips of the roots and are formed by parenchymal cells. Rhizomorphs also have a root cap like structure and hence the first statement is incorrect. So the right answer is option 'Rhizomorph do not have root cap like structure'.

Mushroom get its food from

  1. Dead and decaying plants

  2. Photosynthesis

  3. Eating small insects which come near it

  4. The water we pour near it

Correct Option: A

Plant mushroom get its food from dead and decaying plants. In short, they are saprophytes. Plants are green because they contain chlorophyll, which helps them with photosynthesis, the process of turning sunlight into food. Mushrooms are not green and they contain no chlorophyll. Therefore, they cannot photosynthesize. Mushrooms obtain their food by metabolizing dead or decaying organic matter, such as dead plants on the ground. Tiny filaments called as hyphae absorb the nutrients from the dead matter. Mushrooms are made up of hyphae filaments and a mass of hyphae is called as a mycelium. This is why, you often see mushrooms growing on dead tree stumps.

The fungal tissue is ________

  1. Parenchyma

  2. Plectenchyma

  3. Chlorenchyma

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Fungal tissue is known as plectenchyma that is formed due to well organized hyphae either forming parallel strand-called parenchyma or give the appearance of parenchyma of higher plants called pseudoparenchyma.

The mushrooms are rich sources of

  1. Proteins

  2. Sodium

  3. Carbohydrates

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A
Mushrooms are low in carbohydrates, calories and sodium and are cholesterol and fat free. High in fibre and protein, mushrooms are also rich in B vitamins to help maintain a healthy metabolism.

The cell wall of fungi is made up of ________.

  1. Cellulose

  2. Pectin

  3. Chitin

  4. Peptidoglycan

Correct Option: C

Fungi are saprophytes in nature. They tend to live on dead organisms. They do not possess chlorophyll. Their cell wall is made up of chitin.

Which of the following is an edible mushroom?

  1. Agaricus bisporus

  2. Amanita phalloides

  3. Jack O Lantern

  4. Entoloma

Correct Option: A
  1. Agaricus bisporus from the above options is an edible mushroom which is a native of grassland of Europe and North America.
  2. Rest of the mushrooms Amanita phalloides (Death cap), Omphalous olearius (Jack O Lantern) and fungus of genus Entoloma are all poisonous and not eligible for human consumption as they me cause sever cramps and vomiting and other symptoms.

In mushroom, fungal tissue which formed central part of a
gill is

  1. Strema

  2. Trema

  3. Sub-hyminium

  4. Hyminium

Correct Option: B

Mature gill composed of a central core called trema which is made up of parallel or loosely interwoven hyphae.

In mushroom cultivation, spawn is 

  1. Compost

  2. Button stage

  3. Vegetative mycelium

  4. Harvested mushroom

Correct Option: C

Mushroom Spawn is simply any substance that has been inoculated with mycelium, the vegetative growth of the fungus. Mycelium a thread like the collection of the cell is to a mushroom-like an apple tree is to an apple.

So, the correct option is 'Vegetative mycelium'.

Consider the following substances.
a. Cellulose
b. Glucan
c. Lignin
Which of the statements is/are found as a component/components of fungal cell wall?

  1. $1$ and $2$ only

  2. $2$ and $3$ only

  3. $3$ only

  4. $1, 2$ and $3$

Correct Option: A

Which one of the following is used as fungal insecticide in Bio-control programs?

  1. Trichoderma viridi

  2. Phytophthora parasitica

  3. Beauveria bassiana

  4. Aspergillus niger

Correct Option: A