Tag: earthquake

Questions Related to earthquake

Water bodies that are smaller in size than ocean are called ________.

  1. Gulf

  2. Sea

  3. Bay

  4. Strait

Correct Option: B

The words 'ocean' and 'sea' are often used to mean the same thing. However, a sea is a small area of an ocean, usually with land on several sides.

The seas which are completely surrounded by land, without any outlet into the ocean is called __________.

  1. marginal sea

  2. inland sea

  3. bay

  4. gulf

Correct Option: B

Inland sea is a shallow sea that covers central areas of continents during periods of high sea level that result in marine transgression. The seas which are completely surrounded by land, without any outlet into the ocean is called inland sea.

The Mediterranean sea is an extension of which of the following ocean?

  1. Indian ocean

  2. Atlantic ocean

  3. Pacific ocean

  4. Arctic ocean

Correct Option: B

The Mediterranean Sea is an extension of the Atlantic ocean. The Mediterranean Sea is connected to the Atlantic ocean, surrounded by the Mediterranean Basin and almost completely enclosed by land. The sea was an important route for merchants and travelers of ancient times, facilitating trade and cultural exchange between peoples of the region.

The seas which are extensions of ocean and are partially surrounded by land are called ___________.

  1. bay

  2. marginal sea

  3. inland sea

  4. lagoons

Correct Option: B

Marginal seas are similar to open oceans with respect to being created by large scale geological processes, exhibiting biodiversity, and possessing layered water circulation patterns. The main difference between the two is related to depth and proximity to landmasses. The seas which are extensions of the ocean and are partially surrounded by land are known as marginal sea.

Which is the deepest fresh water lake in the world?

  1. Lake Superior

  2. Lake Baikal

  3. Lake Victoria

  4. Lake Chilika

Correct Option: B

Lake Baikal in southern Russia is the world's deepest lake. It is an estimated 5,387 ft deep and its bottom is approximately 3,893 ft below sea level. It is also the deepest freshwater lake in the world.

Curved indentation of a sea or a lake into the land, with a wide opening is called __________.

  1. Gulf

  2. Bay

  3. Strait

  4. Lagoon

Correct Option: B

Bay is a water body that is surrounded or demarcated by land. It is a water body that is surrounded by land on three sides. Bays can be an inlet in a lake or a larger water body. 

Large inlet of a sea cutting deep into the land is called _________.

  1. Bay

  2. Gulf

  3. Lagoon

  4. Inland sea

Correct Option: B

A gulf is a large inlet of a sea cutting deep into the landmass, typically narrower opening than a bay, though it is not observable in all geographical areas. Many important trading centers are located on gulfs. Gulfs are sometimes connected with oceans through narrow passages of water called as straits. 

Where is lake Baikal situated?

  1. Canada

  2. Uganda

  3. Siberia

  4. Peru

Correct Option: C

Lake Baikal is situated in Russia, located in southern Siberia, between Irkutsk Oblast to the northwest and the Buryat Republic to the southeast. It is the world's deepest freshwater lake.

What term is used for a shallow body of salt water separated from the sea by a low sand bank or coral reef?

  1. Lake

  2. Gulf

  3. Lagoon

  4. Bay

Correct Option: C

Lagoons is a term used for a shallow body of saltwater separated from the sea by a low dan bank or coral reef. Lagoons are commonly divided into coastal lagoons and atoll lagoons. Lagoons are the most common coastal features around many parts of the world.