Tag: coordination in human beings- chemical control

Questions Related to coordination in human beings- chemical control

Which controls reflex action ?

  1. Central nervous system

  2. Sympathetic nervous system

  3. Parasympathetic nervous system

  4. Sensory nerves

Correct Option: A

Which is required intact for sound reflex action

  1. Spinal cord

  2. Hypothalamus

  3. Cerebellum

  4. Medulla oblongata

Correct Option: A

Which one of the following transmits impulses to central neural system?

  1. Abducen nerve

  2. Trochlear nerve

  3. Oculomotor nerve

  4. Auditory nerve

Correct Option: D

Which is not a reflex action

  1. Blinking of eyes

  2. Sweating

  3. Salivation

  4. Withdrawing of hand on touching some hot object

Correct Option: A

A simple reflex is ___________________.

  1. Climbing up a stair in dark without stumbling

  2. Closing of eyes when strong light is flashed over them

  3. Tying shoe laces while talking to some person

  4. Watering of mouth at sight of favourite food

Correct Option: B

A sudden and spontaneous reflex which leads to the quick pulling of hand on touching a hot object is generated by
I. Brain
II. Spinal cord
III. Sensory neurons
IV. Motor neurons

  1. I and IV

  2. III and IV

  3. I, III and IV

  4. II, III and IV

  5. I, II, III and IV

Correct Option: D

A reflex action is defined as a spontaneous, involuntary, automated, nerve-mediated activity produced at the unconscious level  by stimulating specific receptors. In other words, a reflex action is a sensory impulse, automatically converted into a motor effect with the involvement of the central nervous system. These actions are sudden and automatic and take place even before one can feel the stimulus through the brain. The quick pulling of the hand on touching a hot object is an automated response to stimuli and is controlled and regulated by the spinal cord along with the sensory and motor neurons which connect the receptor and effector organs. Thus, the correct answer is option C.

Which one of the following is the complex reflex activity?

  1. Swallowing the food bolus is a complex reflex activity controlled by olfactory lobe of brain

  2. Chewing is controlled by somatic nerves, which is complex reflex activity.

  3. Swallowing the food bolus is a complex reflex activity controlled by medulla oblongata.

  4. Secretion of saliva is a conditional reflex activity.

Correct Option: C

Reflex actions are involuntary actions that are either performed when learnt or innately performed. A complex reflex action is made up of a polysynaptic pathway, wherein, more than one synaptic junctions are involved. Swallowing of food bolus is a reflex activity that involves a polysynaptic pathway and is under reflexive or involuntary control. This stage of the swallow begins after food which has been masticated has been gathered together in the mouth and formed into a bolus which is passed from the posterior tongue. It is controlled by medulla oblongata.

Hence, the correct answer is 'Swallowing the food bolus is a complex reflex activity controlled by the medulla oblongata'.

Mid brain has centre for reflex action of 

  1. Visual and tactile

  2. Visual, tactile, and auditory

  3. Auditory and tactile

  4. Visual and auditory

Correct Option: B

The direction of response is opposite in which of the following reflex action?

  1. Biceps tendon relfex

  2. Knee jerk reflex

  3. Tricep tendon reflex

  4. Withdrawal reflex

Correct Option: D

There are 4 types of spinal reflex action, namely the stretch reflex, the Golgi tendon reflex, the crossed extensor reflex and the withdrawal reflex. The direction of response is opposite in withdrawal reflex action. The withdrawal reflex is also called as flexor withdrawal reflex. It protects the body from damaging stimuli. It is polysynaptic. Hence, it causes the stimulation of sensory, association and motor neurons.  For example, when a person touches a hot iron, he withdraws his hand from it within fraction of seconds. In this, the heat stimulates temperature and danger receptors in the skin, triggering a sensory impulse that travels to the central nervous system. The sensory neuron synapses with interneurons and connects to motor neurons. These motor neurons send motor impulses to the flexors and allows withdrawal.

Thus, the correct answer is 'Withdrawal reflex.'

Goose flesh in severe cold

  1. Reduces heat loss from body

  2. Increases heat loss from body

  3. Protects animal from external shocks

  4. Decreases activity of sweat glands

Correct Option: A

A person experiences goose bumps in the presence of extremely cold temperatures. Tiny muscles attached to each hair follicle contracts because of the stimulus of cold surroundings. The hair strands stand on the end due to this contraction of muscles. The contracted tiny muscles cause bunching of the skin around hairs, which results in bumps in the goose bumps. The goose bumps are helpful to reduce the heat loss from the body and it is a way of preserving body's heat by causing the hairs on the skin to stand up.