Tag: food for health

Questions Related to food for health

Oil is obtained from the plant and animal sources can be detected by 

  1. Oil paper test

  2. Starch

  3. Calcium sulphate solution

  4. Iodine solution

Correct Option: A
Some plants and animal produce oil. Oil paper test is a test used to detect oil in plant and animal products. It include a process in which a paper is moved back and forth few times against the substance and the presence of oil on the paper is checked.
So the correct answer is 'Oil paper test'.

Which of the following helps in nutrient conservation?

  1. Leaching

  2. Mineralisation

  3. Nitrification

  4. Immobilisation

Correct Option: B,C

A.Leaching - the loss of water-soluble plant nutrients from the soil. It does not help in nutrient conservation.

B.Mineralisation – The process of formation of minerals from the organic compounds is called mineralisation. It helps in nutrient conservation.

C.Nitrification – Formation of nitrites or nitrates from ammonia or nitrogenous compounds is called Nitrification. It also helps in nutrient conservation.

D. Immobilisation – elements, cannot be transported from one place to another place in the body is called Immobilisation and the elements are called Immobilised elements.

So, the correct option is ‘Mineralisation or Nitrification’. 

Along with all other nutrients, the body also needs an adequate supply of water.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The human body can last weeks without food, but only days without water. The body is made up of 50 to 75 per cent water. Water forms the basis of blood, digestive juices, urine and perspiration, and is contained in lean muscle, fat and bones. It helps to maintain the temperature of the body.

So, the correct option is 'True'.

Leaves appear green because they reflect green color from light spectrum. The part in the leaf that is responsible for the reflection is

  1. Inner membrane of Chloroplast

  2. Thylakoid space

  3. Thylakoid membrane

  4. Stroma

Correct Option: C

Chloroplasts are green because they contain the green pigment chlorophyll in their thylakoid membranes. Chlorophyll is a pigment that absorbs red and blue light. So plants are green because chlorophyll reflects green light. 

So, the correct option is 'thylakoid membrane'.

Which of the following statements is false regarding the experiment carried out for photosynthesis?

  1. The two leaves experiment proved that photosynthesis took place only in the green part of the leaf which is exposed to sunlight

  2. Half leaf experiment indicate that co2 is required for photosynthesis

  3. In half experiment some part of leaf is inserted in a test tube having soaked cotton

  4. Starch is formed in a leaf

Correct Option: A
Variegated leaves have green parts (where the cells contain chlorophyll) and white parts (where there is no chlorophyll). Only the parts that were green become blue/black with iodine solution, showing the importance of chlorophyll in photosynthesis. The parts without chlorophyll do not photosynthesize, and so they do not make starch and the iodine does not change colour.
So the correct option is 'The two leaves experiment proved that photosynthesis took place only in the green part of the leaf which is exposed to sunlight'.

Chlorides are mineral salts, and cannot be affected by

  1. Chemical Actions

  2. Biological Action

  3. Temperature

  4. Turbidity

Correct Option: B

What causes excessive growth of algae and other aquatic plants?

  1. Waste matters

  2. Organic Nutrients

  3. Inorganic Nutrients

  4. Solid waste

Correct Option: C

Simple inorganic substances released into environment is reused by

  1. Pyrolysis Reactor

  2. Pyrolysis Chamber

  3. Simple Reactor

  4. Simple chamber

Correct Option: A

Inorganic salts, mineral acids and metal compounds are:

  1. Inorganic pollutants

  2. Organic pollutants

  3. Air pollution

  4. All of them

Correct Option: A

Organisms, obtain energy from sunlight and make organic matter from inorganic substance, known as _____________________.

  1. Heterotrophs

  2. Autotrophs

  3. Consumers

  4. Decomposers

Correct Option: B