Tag: animal diversity - ii (phylum: chordata)

Questions Related to animal diversity - ii (phylum: chordata)

Excretory organs of Earthworm are .....................

  1. Malpighian tubules

  2. Nephridia

  3. Kidneys

  4. Flame cells

Correct Option: B

An aquatic animal that lays eggs only on land is

  1. Fish

  2. Frog

  3. Sharks

  4. Turtles

Correct Option: D

Turtles are characterized by a special bony or cartilaginous shell developed from their ribs and acting as a shield. Before the turtle lay their eggs, nearly all turtles prepare a nest on land. During the last weeks of gestation, the pregnant female spends less time in the water and more time on land, smelling and scratching at the ground in search of the perfect place to lay her eggs.

So, the correct answer is 'Turtles'.

Largest reptile in the world

  1. Dragon

  2. Anaconda

  3. Crocodile

  4. Python

Correct Option: B