Tag: planet earth

Questions Related to planet earth

The temperature in troposphere with altitude:

  1. increases

  2. decreases

  3. increases and then decreases

  4. decreases and then increases

Correct Option: B

The temperature of the troposphere generally decreases as altitude increases. The rate at which the temperature decreases is called the environmental lapse rate (ELR). 

Which gas can cause acid rain in nearby places and air pollution in downwind areas from the volcanic site?

  1. $SO _2$

  2. $H _2S$

  3. $CO _2$

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

Sulphur dioxide gas can cause acid rain in nearby places and air pollution in downwind areas from the volcanic site.

The region in atmosphere containing water vapour is:

  1. thermosphere

  2. stratosphere

  3. troposphere

  4. mesosphere

Correct Option: C

The troposphere is the lowest region of the atmosphere, i;e., closest to earth's surface. It extends roughly to a height of about 11 km. This is the region of all living organisms including, animals and plants. 

About 70% of the total mass of the atmosphere and practically all the water vapours and dust particles are concentrated in this region

Hence, the correct option is $\text{C}$

The acid rain is caused when air polluted by large volume of :

  1. sulphur dioxide

  2. nitrogen dioxide

  3. carbon dioxide

  4. both A and B

Correct Option: A

Acid rain is more properly called acidic deposition, which occurs in both wet and dry forms. Wet deposition usually exists in the form of rain, snow, or sleet but also may occur as fog, dew, or cloud water condensed on plants or the earth's surface. Dry deposition includes solid particles (aerosols) that fall to the earth's surface. Condensation of fog, dew, or cloud water is referred to as occult deposition.
The most common acidic substances are compounds containing hydrogen, sulphates, and nitrates. The chief source of these compounds is the combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, and petroleum by-products, primarily gasoline.
Hence, acid rain is caused when air polluted by a large volume of sulphur dioxide.

In which layer, most of the atmospheric air is present?

  1. Troposphere

  2. Stratosphere

  3. Mesosphere

  4. Thermosphere

Correct Option: A

Fifty percent of the total mass of the atmosphere is located in the lower $5-6$ $km$ of the troposphere. Nearly all atmospheric water vapour or moisture is found in the troposphere. So, it is the layer where most of the earth's weather takes place.

Which of these gases is an atmospheric pollutant?
1 carbon monoxide
2 nitrogen dioxide
3 sulfur dioxide.

  1. $1$ only

  2. $2$ only

  3. $3$ only

  4. $1, 2$ and $3$

Correct Option: D

Solution:- (D) $1, \; 2$ and $3$

These all gases are atmospheric pollutants as all lead to air pollution.
coz  of
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and carbon monoxide are important ambient air pollutants. High-intensity, confined space exposure to NO2 has caused catastrophic injury to humans, including death. Ambient NO2 exposure may increase the risk of respiratory tract infections through the pollutant's interaction with the immune system. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) contributes to respiratory symptoms in both healthy patients and those with underlying pulmonary disease. Controlled human exposure studies have demonstrated that experimental SO2 exposure causes changes in airway physiology, including increased airways resistance. Both acute and chronic exposure to carbon monoxide are associated with increased risk for adverse cardiopulmonary events, including death. However, studies have not demonstrated a clear dose-dependent health risk response to increasing amounts of these pollutants except at high concentrations. In addition, a number of studies examining the effects of ambient level exposure to NO2, SO2, and CO have failed to find associations with adverse health outcomes.

The pollutant in air responsible for acid rain is carbon monoxide.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. These substances can rise very high into the atmosphere, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form more acidic pollutants, known as acid rain. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides dissolve very easily in water and can be carried very far by the wind. As a result, the two compounds can travel long distances where they become part of the rain, sleet, snow, and fog that we experience on certain days.
Hence, The pollutant in air responsible for acid rain is sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.

Non-metal oxides such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide are responsible for:

  1. ozone depletion

  2. water pollution

  3. acid rain

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: C

Smog is well known for:

  1. irritation in the eye

  2. inflammation in the tissue of lung

  3. pain in chest

  4. all of these

Correct Option: D

Smog is well known for causing irritation in the eye. It may also result in inflammation in the tissues of lungs, giving rise to pain in the chest.

Smog is a/an :

  1. air pollutant

  2. water pollutant

  3. noise pollutant

  4. land pollutant

Correct Option: A