Tag: natural resources - air, water and land

Questions Related to natural resources - air, water and land

Which of the following is considered as primary source of water?

  1. Rainwater

  2. River water

  3. Pond water

  4. Groundwater

Correct Option: A

Rainwater is the primary source of water. Rain water is considered as a pure and fresh form of water.

The total percentage of fresh drinking water on earth is around:

  1. $0.3$%

  2. $10$%

  3. $25$%

  4. $40$%

Correct Option: A

On Earth, only 3% of water is fresh water. Most of the water is in the form of ice caps, glaciers and groundwater, while all lakes, rivers and swamps combined only for a very small part that is 0.3% of the earth's total freshwater reserves.

Which part of the water cycle includes in cloud formation?

  1. vaporisation

  2. condensation

  3. precipitation

  4. none of these

Correct Option: B

In the process of condensation very small water droplets from the atmospheric air come together and form clouds. The heavier the rain drops gets bigger the cloud gets.

Which of the following is the part of water cycle?

  1. evaporation

  2. condensation

  3. precipitation

  4. all of them

Correct Option: D

Evaporation: The sun evaporates some amount of water from different sources. Evaporation prepares the cycle for the next step, that is condensation. 
Condensation: The water vapour then condensed into clouds. These clouds further go to Precipitation. 
Precipitation: When the droplets in the clouds get too big they fall as rain, hail, snow, and sleet.

A large number of people draw water from:

  1. well

  2. tube wells

  3. hand pumps

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D

A larger number of people drawn  water from all of the above natural sources i.e  wells, tube wells, hand pumps etc.

The circulation of water between ocean, land and atmosphere is known as :

  1. rain cycle

  2. water cycle

  3. oxygen cycle

  4. life cycle

Correct Option: B

The circulation of water between ocean, land and atmosphere is known as the water cycle.

Where does the energy that powers the water cycle come from?

  1. plants

  2. the sun

  3. animals

  4. electrical outlets

Correct Option: B

 The energy that powers the water cycle come from the sun.

As the rain water is the purest form of water, this can be used in lab due to:

  1. presence of ions

  2. absence of ions

  3. smells good

  4. easily available

Correct Option: B

Rain water is the purest form of water as it does not contain any minerals, ions, dust particles etc. thus it can be used in lab.

The ultimate source of water on the earth is 

  1. oceans and seas

  2. spring and wells

  3. rivers and lakes

  4. rain

Correct Option: A

The main source of water for inland lakes is:

  1. snow

  2. sea water

  3. ground water

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

The main source of water for inland lakes is ground water.

Ground water is water present beneath eorths surface in soil spaces and in the fractures of rock formations.