Tag: divisions of nervous system

Questions Related to divisions of nervous system

Memory centre is present in

  1. Cerebellum

  2. Parietal lobe

  3. Temporal lobe

  4. Occipital lobe

  5. Frontal lobe

Correct Option: C

Parasympathetic nerve endings release

  1. Adrenaline

  2. GABA

  3. Acetylcholine

  4. Noradrenaline

  5. Dopamine

Correct Option: C

You are watching a horror movie and you notice that your heart is beating fast and mouth is dry. It is because of

  1. Fight and flight response

  2. Sympathetic nervous system

  3. Both A and B

  4. Autonomic nervous system

  5. Parasympathetic nervous system

Correct Option: C

The functions of our visceral organs are controlled by

  1. Sympathetic and somatic nervous system

  2. Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

  3. Central and somatic nervous system

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Which is not the effect of sympathetic nervous system

  1. Dilation of pupil

  2. Inhibition of peristalsis

  3. Elevation of blood pressure

  4. Stimulation of saliva secretion

Correct Option: D

Cutaneous plexus and papillary plexus consist of

  1. A network of arteries providing dermal supply

  2. Network of nerves providing dermal sensation

  3. Specialized cells for cutaneous sensation

  4. Gland cells that release cutaneous secretion

Correct Option: A
Cutaneous plexus is a network of arteries present along the border of hypodermis. These arteries supply blood to the fatty tissue of the hypodermis and deep parts of dermal layer including capillaries of hair follicles, sweat glands and sebaceous glands. Papillary plexus is another network of small arteries which supply blood to the dermal layer.
So, the correct answer is 'A network of arteries providing dermal supply'.

In EEG, the waves which are low in frequency but with high amplitude are

  1. Theta waves

  2. Delta waves

  3. Beta waves

  4. Alpha waves

Correct Option: B

Choose the functions of sympathetic nervous system

  1. Constricts bronchi and pupil of eye

  2. Increases heart rate, relaxes bronchi

  3. Decreases heart rate, increases peristalsis

  4. Dilates blood vessels, stimulates salivary secretions

Correct Option: B

Pneumotaxic centre which can moderate the function of respiratory rhythm centre is present at

  1. Pons

  2. Spinal cord

  3. Thalamus

  4. Right cerebral hemisphere

  5. Left cerebral hemisphere

Correct Option: A

How many pairs of sympathetic ganglia are present in

  1. 10

  2. 12

  3. 22

  4. 31

Correct Option: C