Tag: heat and thermodynamics

Questions Related to heat and thermodynamics

In an isobaric process, the correct ratio is :

  1. $\Delta Q:\Delta W=1:1$

  2. $\Delta Q:\Delta W=\gamma :\gamma -1$

  3. $\Delta Q:\Delta W= \gamma -1:\gamma $

  4. $\Delta Q:\Delta W= \gamma :1 $

Correct Option: B

In an isobaric process, pressure is constant.
Heat added in an isobaric process is given by
$\Delta Q=\Delta U+ \Delta W$
$nC _p\Delta T=nC _v\Delta T+nR\Delta T$
$\displaystyle \therefore \dfrac {\Delta Q}{\Delta W}=\dfrac {nC _p\Delta T}{nR\Delta T}=\dfrac {C _p}{R}=\dfrac {\gamma R/\gamma -1}{R}=\dfrac {\gamma }{\gamma -1}$
Option B.

A cylinder of fixed capacity $67.2$ liters contains helium gas at STP. Calculate the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of the gas by $15^{o}C$. ($R=8.314\ J\ mol^{-1}k^{-1}$)

  1. $520\ J$

  2. $560. J$

  3. $620\ J$

  4. $621.2\ J$

Correct Option: B

Since, the process is at constant volume,
Q = U as W = 0
Thus, Q = $ n {C} _{v} \Delta T $
At STP, n = $ \dfrac{PV}{RT} $
Since, He is diatomic, $ {C} _{v} = 2.5R $
Q = $ \dfrac{PV}{RT} \times 2.5R \times 15 $
Substituting the pressure and temperature values at STP, 
P = 1 atm
V = 67.2 L
T = 298 K
we get,
Q = 560.9 J

A diatomic gas is heated at constant pressure. The fraction of the heat energy used to increase the internal energy is 

  1. $ \dfrac{3}{5}$

  2. $ \dfrac{3}{7}$

  3. $ \dfrac {5}{7}$

  4. $ \dfrac {7}{9}$

Correct Option: C

In a diatomic gas, we have $C _p=\dfrac{7}{2}R $ and $C _v=\dfrac{5}{2}R$
The heat is given as $nC _p\Delta T$ and internal energy as $nC _v\Delta T$
Thus we get $\dfrac{U}{Q}$ as $\dfrac{5}{7}$

Four students found set of $C _{p}$ and $C _{v}$[in cal/deg mole] as given below, which of the following set is correct 

  1. $C _{v}=4,C _{p}=2$

  2. $C _{v}=4,C _{p}=3$

  3. $C _{v}=3,C _{p}=4$

  4. $C _{p}=5,C _{v}=3$

Correct Option: D

C$ _{v}$ cannot be greater than $C _{p}$

Hence, option A  and option B are incorrect.

We have the relation $C _{p} - C _{v}$= R ( and its value is 2 cal/mole ) and hence option C is also incorrect.

A solid copper sphere(density $\rho$ and specific heat c) of radius r at an initial temperature $200$K is suspended inside a chamber whose walls are at almost $0$ K. The time required to the temperature of sphere to drop to $100$ K is _________?

  1. $\dfrac{9r\rho c}{72\times 10^6\sigma}$sec.

  2. $\dfrac{7r\rho c}{72\times 10^6\sigma}$sec.

  3. $\dfrac{7r\rho c}{82\times 10^6\sigma}$sec.

  4. $\dfrac{19r\rho c}{72\times 10^7\sigma}$sec.

Correct Option: B

If $C _p$ and $C _v$ denote the specific heats (per unit mass) of an ideal gas of molecular weight M, where R is the molar gas constant:

  1. $C _p - C _v = R/M^2$

  2. $C _p - C _v = R$

  3. $C _p - C _v = R/M$

  4. $C _p - C _v = M/R$

Correct Option: C

By definition 

$dU={ C } _{ v }dT\longrightarrow 1$

also enthalpy,

$H=U+PV\\ or\quad dH=dU+d\left( PV \right) \\ or\quad dH=dU+nRdT\longrightarrow 2$

Also $dH={ C } _{ P }dT\\ \therefore { C } _{ P }dT={ C } _{ V }dT+nRdT\\ \Rightarrow { C } _{ P }={ C } _{ V }+nR\\ or{ C } _{ P }-{ C } _{ V }\quad =nR=\cfrac { Rm }{ M } $

for $m=1$

${ C } _{ P }-{ C } _{ V }=\cfrac { R }{ M } $

${C} _{P}$ and ${C} _{V}$ are specific heats at constant pressure and constant volume respectively. It is observed that
${C} _{P}-{C} _{V}=a$ for hydrogen gas
${C} _{P}-{C} _{V}=b$ for nitrogen gas
The correct relation between $a$ and $b$ is then

  1. $a=28b$

  2. $a=\cfrac{1}{14}b$

  3. $a=b$

  4. $a=14b$

Correct Option: D

For ideal gas
${C} _{P}-{C} _{V}=R/M$
If ${C} _{P}$ and ${C} _{V}$ are specific heats $\left( J/kg- _{  }^{ o }{ C } \right) $
$M=$ molar mass of gas
$\Rightarrow a=R/2$ and $b=R/28$
$\Rightarrow$ $a=14b$

A mass of $50g$ of water in a closed vessel with surroundings at a constant temperature takes $2$ minutes to cool from ${30}^{o}C$ to ${25}^{o}C$. A mass of $100g$ of another liquid in an identical vessel with identical surroundings takes the same time to cool from ${30}^{o}C$ to ${25}^{o}C$. The specific heat of the liquid is : (The water equivalent of the vessel is $30g$)

  1. $2.0kcal/kg$

  2. $7kcal/g$

  3. $3kcal/kg$

  4. $0.5kcal/kg$

Correct Option: D
As the surrounding is identical, vessel is identical time taken to cool both water and liquid (from $30^{\circ} C$ to $25^{\circ} C$) is same 2 minutes.

$\therefore \left(\dfrac{dQ}{dt} \right) _{water} = \left(\dfrac{dQ}{dt} \right) _{liquid}$

Or $\dfrac{(m _w c _w + W) \Delta T _1}{t _1}  = \dfrac{(m _l c _l + W) \Delta T _2}{t _2}$

$\therefore \Delta T _1=\Delta T _2, \, t _1=t _2$

(w = water equivalent of the vessel)

or $m _w c _w = m _l c _l$

$\therefore$ specific heat of liquid,

$C _l = \dfrac{m _w c _w}{m _l} = \dfrac{50 \times 1}{100} = 0.5 kcal/kg$

Thermal efficiency $=$ .........................   or
$\displaystyle \frac{Heat  Utilised}{Heat  Produced}$

  1. $\displaystyle \frac{Q _4}{Q _T}$

  2. $Q _4 \times Q _T$

  3. $Q _4 + Q _T$

  4. $Q _4 - Q _T$

Correct Option: A

For hydrogen gas $C _{p}-C _{v}=a$ and for Oxygen gas $C _{p}-C _{v}=b $, where $C _{p}$ and $C _{v}$ are molar specific heats. Then the relation between a and b. is

  1. a $=$ 16b

  2. b $=$ 16a

  3. a $=$ 14b

  4. a $=$ b

Correct Option: D

For any ideal gas,$C _p-C _v=nR$, where $R$ is the gas constant.
That is $C _p-C _v$ per mole for any gas is a constant value.
So, $a=b$
Option D.