Tag: measurements and experimentation

Questions Related to measurements and experimentation

Two resistors of resistances $R _1$ = (100 $\pm$ 3) $\Omega$ and $R _2$ = (200 $\pm$ 4) $\Omega$ are connected in parallel. The equivalent resistance of the parallel combination is:

  1. (66.7 $\pm$ 1.8) $\Omega$

  2. (66.7 $\pm$ 4.0) $\Omega$

  3. (66.7 $\pm$ 3.0) $\Omega$

  4. (66.7 $\pm$ 7.0) $\Omega$

Correct Option: A

Here, $R _1 (100 \pm 3) \Omega; R _2 = (200 \pm 4) \Omega$ The equivalent resistance in parallel combination is

$\displaystyle \frac{1}{R _1} = \frac{1}{R _1} + \frac{1}{R _2}, \frac{1}{R _p} = \frac{1}{100} + \frac{1}{200} = \frac{3}{200}, R _p = \frac{200}{3} = 66.7 \Omega$

The error in equivalent resistance is given by
$\displaystyle \frac {\Delta R _p}{R _p^2} = \frac {\Delta R _1}{R _1^2} + \frac {\Delta R _2}{R _2^2}; \Delta R _p = \Delta R _1 (\frac{R _p}{R _1})^2 + \Delta R _2 (\frac {R _p}{R _2})^2 = 3 (\frac {66.7}{100})^2 + 4 (\frac {66.7}{200})^2 = 1.8 \Omega $ 
Hence, the equivalent resistance along with error in parallel combination is (66.7 $\pm$ 1.8)$\Omega$.

The percentage errors in quantities $P, Q, R$ and $S$ are $0.5$%, $1$%, $3$% and $1.5$% respectively in the measurement of a physical quantity $A = \dfrac {P^{3}Q^{2}}{\sqrt {R}S}$.
The maximum percentage error in the value of $A$ will be

  1. $8.5\%$

  2. $6.0\%$

  3. $7.5\%$

  4. $6.5\%$

Correct Option: D

Percentage error $\dfrac{\Delta A}{A} \times 100 = 3 \dfrac{\Delta P}{P} \times 100 + 2 \dfrac{\Delta Q}{Q} + \dfrac{1}{2} \dfrac{\Delta R}{R} \times 100 + \dfrac{\Delta S}{S} \times 100$ 

$ = 3 \times 0.5 + 2 \times 1+ 0.5 \times 3 + 1.5 = 6.5 %$

The percentage errors in the measurement of length and time period of a simple pendulum are 1% and 2% respectively. Then, the maximum error in the measurement of acceleration due to gravity is:

  1. $3%$

  2. $4%$

  3. $6%$

  4. $5%$

Correct Option: D

The dimensions of a rectangular block measured with callipers having least count of 0.01 cm are 5mm x 10mm x 5 mm. The maximum percentage error in the measurement of the volume of the block is

  1. 5%

  2. 10%

  3. 15%

  4. 20%

Correct Option: A
Given :  $l = 10 \ mm = 1 \ cm$     $b = 5 \ mm = 0.5 \ cm$        $h = 5 \ mm  = 0.5 \ cm$
Error in the measurements   $\Delta l = \Delta b = \Delta h = 0.01 \ cm$
Maximum percentage error in volume   $\dfrac{\Delta V}{V}\times 100 = \dfrac{\Delta l}{l}\times 100 +\dfrac{\Delta b}{b}\times 100+\dfrac{\Delta h}{h}\times 100$
$\implies \ \dfrac{\Delta V}{V}\times 100 = \dfrac{0.01}{1}\times 100+\dfrac{0.01}{0.5}\times 100+\dfrac{0.01}{0.5}\times 100 = 5$ %
Correct answer is option A.

A force $\vec { F } $ is applied on a square plate of length $L$. If the percentage error in the determination of $L$ is $3$% and in $F$ is $4$%, the permissible error in the calculation of pressure is

  1. $13$%

  2. $10$%

  3. $7$%

  4. $12$%

Correct Option: B

Pressure  $P=\cfrac { F }{ A } =\cfrac { F }{ { L }^{ 2 } } $
Percentage error in pressure  $\cfrac { \Delta P }{ P } \times 100=\cfrac { \Delta F }{ F } \times 100+2\cfrac { \Delta L }{ L } \times 100$
$ = 4+2\times 3 = 10$  %