Tag: improvement of crop production

Questions Related to improvement of crop production

Cross between unrelated organisms is

  1. Hybridisation

  2. Heterosis

  3. Test cross

  4. Back cross

Correct Option: A

Which of the following process is helpful in hybrid seed production?

  1. Embryo rescue

  2. Apomixis

  3. Polyembryony

  4. Somatic hybridisation

Correct Option: B
  • Apomixis in flowering plants is defined as the asexual formation of a seed from the maternal tissues of the ovule, avoiding the processes of meiosis and fertilization, leading to embryo development. 
  • It plays an important role in hybrid seed production. The method of producing hybrid seeds by cultivation is very expensive for farmers. Also, by sowing hybrid seeds, it is difficult to maintain hybrid characters as characters segregate during meiosis.
  • Apomixis prevents the loss of specific characters in the hybrid. Also, it is a cost-effective method for producing seeds.
  • So, the correct answer is 'Apomixis'.

The nitrogen deficiency of soil can be fulfilled by using the principle of

  1. Crop rotation

  2. Transplantation

  3. Multiple cropping

  4. Broadcasting

Correct Option: A

Crop rotation is a simple process of growing alternatively legume crops after every cycle of a commercial crop. The leguminous plant have root nodules in which nitrogen fixing bacteria resides which convert atmospheric nitrogen into usable forms by plants and hence increase the fertility of the soil.

Broadcasting is a method of throwing seeds randomly on the soil for germination. Transplantation is the process of uprooting in replanting the plants at some other place. Multiple cropping is growing two or more crops together in the same piece of land in the same season.These cannot help in curing the Nitrogen deficiency of the soil.
Thus, the correct answer is 'Crop rotation.'

A group of animals related by descent and similar in most characters are said to be__________________

  1. Clone

  2. Variant

  3. Breed

  4. Variety

Correct Option: C

  • The organisms which are related by descent are known as breed. They have most of the characters which are similar. 
  • The general features, characteristics, size, appearance, etc. of these animals resemble each other. 
  • These animals mate or breed with each other in the same breed in order to maintain the pure line breed.
Thus, the correct answer is option C. 

One way of incorporating desirable characters into crop varieties is by 

  1. Fertilization

  2. Leaching

  3. Hybridization

  4. Composting

Correct Option: C

One way of incorporating desirable characters into crop varieties is by hybridisation. Hybridisation refers to crossing between genetically dissimilar plants.

Thus, the correct answer is option C.

Hybridisation refers to crossing between genetically ______ plants.

  1. Similar

  2. Dissimilar

  3. Both A or B

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

One way of incorporating desirable characters into crop varieties is by hybridisation. Hybridisation refers to crossing between genetically dissimilar plants.

Thus, the correct answer is option B.

........... is a technique which involves the union of two genetically dissimilar parents.

  1. Clonal propagation

  2. Crop rotation

  3. Hybridization

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C
The crossing between two plants of different species to produce a new variety is called hybridization. The parent plants belong to different species and are genetically dissimilar to each other. The new plant which is produced is known as the hybrid which possesses superior characters of both the parent plants. The hybrid is called as hybrid vigour which has better characteristics when compared to the parental types. The traits which are considered for hybridization are resistance to pests, insects and diseases, an increase in the productivity and high yielding, tolerance to adverse conditions, etc. 
Thus, the correct answer is option C. 

Major radiation of mammals birds and pollinating insects span took place in which epoch span _____________.

  1. Oligocene

  2. Eocene

  3. Pliocene

  4. Paleocene

  5. Miocene

Correct Option: D

Which of the following is an advantage of hybrid variety of wheat?

  1. Good disease resistance

  2. Outstanding tillering

  3. More developed root system

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Which of the following is not an exotic breed of dairy cattle?

  1. Jersey

  2. Holstein

  3. Bos indicus

  4. Brown swiss

Correct Option: C

Exotic breeds are the breed of foreign origin. Bos indicus is an Indian Cattle. Whereas Jersey is the dairy breed in the channel island Jersey, Holstein is the dairy cattle breed from Holland and Germany and Brown swiss is the North American breed of dairy cattle. Thus, the correct answer is option C.