Tag: uses of animals

Questions Related to uses of animals

Term "Lard" is associated with

  1. Pigs

  2. Buffalo

  3. Fish

  4. Goats

Correct Option: A
  • The term Lard is associated with pigs, Lard is the fat from the pig in both it is rendered and unrendered form. it is semi-soft white fat derived from fatty parts of the pig with high saturated fatty acid content and no trans fat. 

So, the correct answer is 'Pigs'

Which of the following is termed poor man's cow?

  1. Sheep

  2. Goat

  3. Buffalo

  4. Cow

Correct Option: B

Goats are called poor man's cow, because they give you the same benefit as the cow, (i.e., milk, meat) and it's cheaper than the cow so that poor people can afford having them. Goats can be raised by landless agricultural labourers, ladies and children because they can thrive well on variety of leaves, shrubs, bushes, kitchen waste etc. Goats are cheaper to maintain, easily available and have a friendly disposition. Goat hide is used for the manufacture of leather products. Goat hairs are used for the manufacture of rugs and ropes. Goat manure is 2.5 times richer in nitrogen and phosphoric acid than cow manure.

The benefit of cross breeding of Indian sheep with the Merino sheep is for

  1. Meat yield

  2. Wool quality

  3. Both of the above

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Bharat Merino sheep is developed by cross breeding indigenous Chokla and Nali sheep with Marino sheep. It is done to improve apparel-wool production and quality.

Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

Pork is obtained from

  1. Cow

  2. Buffalo

  3. Goat

  4. Pig

Correct Option: D

Pork is the meat obtained from the pig. It is one of the most consumed meat all around the world. Mostly pig of four to eight months are reared to obtained pork and they are called as fattening pigs. The different products obtained from pork are sausage, bacon, head cheese. Thus, the correct answer is option D. 

Superior quality of wool is obtained from the sheep that are raised in 

  1. Kashmir and Himachal pradesh

  2. Bihar and Tamil nadu

  3. Maharashtra and Gujarat

  4. Orissa and Rajasthan

Correct Option: A

Pashmina is the most sought after wool in the world because of its superior quality. It is found in Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir in India. 

Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

Exoskeleton of a goat consists of 

  1. Hair and claws

  2. Hair, horn and claws

  3. Hair

  4. Hair, horn and hoof

Correct Option: D
In mammals such as goat, exoskeleton is in the form of hair, horns and hooves. They are epidermal in region and mainly protective in function. 
Therefore, the correct answer is option D.

The world's highly prized wool yielding Pashmina breed is ...............

  1. Sheep

  2. Goat

  3. Goat-sheep cross

  4. Kashmir sheep- Afgan sheep cross

Correct Option: B

Pashmina goat is a breed of goat inhabiting the plateaus in Tibet and neighbouring areas of Ladakh in Jammu & Kashmir, India. They are raised for ultra-fine cashmere wool (known as pashmina once woven). Hence option B is correct.

Sheep are kept in doors and fed on leaves, grain and dry fodder during ......... season.

  1. Rainy

  2. Winter

  3. Summer

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

  • Sheep are kept indoors and fed on leaves, grain, and dry fodder during the winter season. 
  • This is done to protect them from the cold weather. Also, sheep do not lose their extra energy to keep themselves warm.

Thus, the correct answer is option B.

Which of the following breed yield good quality wool?

  1. Lohi

  2. Nali

  3. Marwari

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

  • Lohi is one of the breeds of sheep which are reared for the production of wool. This breed is found in the northern regions of Punjab. 
  • The face is dark in color and the body produces a high amount of wool. The wool produced by this breed is known for its high quality. 

Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Pashmina is obtained from a variety of 

  1. Sheep

  2. Goat

  3. Chicken

  4. Horse

Correct Option: B

Pashmina is the finest quality of wool obtained from Changthangi or Pashima goat. The goat is native to Tibet and Ladakh. They survive in grass and at low temperature. It provides wool for the famous Kashmiri shawl i.e., Pashima shawls. Thus the correct answer is option B.