Tag: perimeter, area and volume

Questions Related to perimeter, area and volume

The volume of triangular prism whose adjacent sides are $\bar a,\ \bar b,\ \bar c$ each of magnitude $4$ units and each is inclined at an angel $\dfrac {\pi}{3}$ with other two is  

  1. $16\sqrt {2}$

  2. $16\sqrt {3}$

  3. $8\sqrt {3}$

  4. $8\sqrt {2}$

Correct Option: B

If angle of minimum deviation through an equilateral prism is $40^o$, angle of incidence (being equal to angle of emergence) would be

  1. $50^o$

  2. $60^o$

  3. $40^o$

  4. none of these

Correct Option: A
For minimum deviation $ i=ei=e $
$a+δm=i+ea+δm=i+e $
$a+δm=2ia+δm=2i $

If a regular square pyramid has a base of side $8 cm$ and height of $30 cm$, then its volume is

  1. $120 cm^3.$

  2. $240 cm^3.$

  3. $640 cm^3.$

  4. $900 cm^3.$

Correct Option: C
Given that:
Side $a=8\ cm$, Height $h=30\ cm$
As we know that
Volume of regular square pyramid 
$\Rightarrow a^2\dfrac{h}{3}$
$\Rightarrow 8^2\dfrac{30}{3}$
$\Rightarrow 64\times 10$
$\Rightarrow 640\ cm^3$
This is the required solution.

A square pyramid can contain $16\ m^3$ of water. The height of the pyramid is $3\ m$. Calculate the length of base of the square pyramid.

  1. $16\ m$

  2. $12\ m$

  3. $4\ m$

  4. $2\ m$

Correct Option: C

Volume of square pyramid  $=16{ m }^{ 3 }$

$\Rightarrow \quad \dfrac { 1 }{ 3 } \times { a }^{ 2 }\times h=16{ m }^{ 3 }\Rightarrow \dfrac { 1 }{ 3 } \times { a }^{ 2 }\times 3=16\Rightarrow a=\sqrt { 16 } =4cm$
$\therefore $  Length of base $= 4m$

$VPQRS$ is rectangle based pyramid where $PQ = 30\ cm, QR = 20\ cm$ and volume is $2000\ {cm}^3$, then height (in cm) is

  1. $20$

  2. $40$

  3. $10$

  4. $30$

Correct Option: C

Given : Length of base$(l)=30\ cm$, width of base$(h)=20\ cm$, Volume of pyramid$=2000\ cm^3$

Let $h$ be the height of the pyramid
We know that, volume of pyramid $=\dfrac{l\times w\times h}{3}$
$\implies 2000\ cm^3 = \dfrac{30 cm\times 20 cm\times h}{3}$
$\implies h=\dfrac{2000\times 3}{30\times 20} cm=10 cm$
Hence, height is $10 cm$.

A frustum of a pyramid has an upper base $100\ m$ by $10\ m$ and a lower base of $80\ m$ by $8\ m$. if the altitude of the frustum is $5\ m$, find its volume (in cu. m).

  1. $4567.67$

  2. $3873.33$

  3. $4066.67$

  4. $2345.98$

Correct Option: C

Give : Height of pyramid$(h)=5\ m$ 

It is a pyramid with rectangular base.
Edge of upper base $length(L)=100\ m, breadth(B)=10\ m$

Edge of lower base $length(l)=80\ m, breadth(b)=8\ m$
Area of upper base$(A _{1})=L\times B=100\times 10 = 1000\ m^2$
Area of lower base$A _{2}=l\times b=640\ m^2$
Volume of frustum$(V)=\dfrac{h}{3}(A _{1} + A _2 + \sqrt{A _1 \times A _2})$
$\implies$$(V)=\dfrac{5}{3}(1000 + 640 + \sqrt{1000 \times 640})$
Hence, volume$(V)=4066.67\ cu. m$

A regular triangular pyramid has an altitude of $9\ m$ and a volume of $187.06\ cu.\ m$. What is the base edge in meters?

  1. $12$

  2. $13$

  3. $14$

  4. $15$

Correct Option: A

Given : Altitude$(height\quad (h))=9\ m$, volume $=187.06\ cu.\ m$

We know that, Volume $=\dfrac{1}{3}Bh$, where $B=x^2 \sin \theta$
$\implies 187.06=\dfrac{1}{3} \left(\dfrac{1}{2}x^2 (\sin \theta)\right) (9)$,  where $x$ is base edge
$\implies 187.06=\dfrac{1}{3} \left(\dfrac{1}{2}x^2 \sin60\right)9$
$\implies x^2=143.9988=144$
$\therefore\ x=12\ m$

The frustum of a regular triangular pyramid has equilateral triangles for its bases. The lower and upper base edges are $9\ m$ and $3\ m$, respectively. If the volume is $118.2\ cu.\ m$, how far apart (m) are the base?

  1. $9$

  2. $8$

  3. $7$

  4. $10$

Correct Option: C

Given : Volume $=118.2\ cu. m$

Upper base edge $=9\ m$, lower base edge $=3\ m$
We know that, 
Volume $=\dfrac{h}{3}(A _{1}+A _{2}+\sqrt{A _{1} A _{2}})$ ....... $(1)$, where $A _{1}, A _{2}$ are area of upper and lower bases.
$A _{1}=\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{4}\times 9^2=35.074$
$A _{2}=\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{4}\times 3^2=3.897$
From $(1)$ we get,
$118.2 = \dfrac{h}{3}(35.074+3.897+\sqrt{35.074\times 3.897})$
$\implies 118.2=\dfrac{h}{3}(38.971+11.6911)$
$\implies 118.2\times 3=h(50.6621)$
$\implies h=7\ m$
Hence, the bases are $7\ m$ far from each other.

A regular hexagonal pyramid whose base perimeter is $60\ cm$ has an altitude of $30\ cm$, the volume of the pyramid (in cu. cm)is:

  1. $2958$

  2. $2598$

  3. $2859$

  4. $2589$

Correct Option: B

Given : Perimeter of regular hexagon $=60\ cm$ and height $=30\ cm$

We know that, regular hexagon has all its sides of equal length
$\therefore$ Perimeter $=6a=60\ cm$,  where $a$ is side of hexagon
$\implies a=10\ cm$
There are exactly $6$ equilateral triangle
Area of one equilateral triangle $=\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{4}a^2$
                                                     $=\dfrac{\sqrt{3}}{4}\times 10^2=25\sqrt{3}$
$\therefore$ Area of $6$ equilateral triangles $=6\times 25\sqrt{3}=150\sqrt{3}$
$\therefore\ Area\ of\ base = 150\sqrt{3}$
Volume $=\dfrac{1}{3}\times base \times height$
              $=\dfrac{1}{3}\times 150\sqrt{3}\times 30$
              $=1500\sqrt{3}=2598\ cu. m$
Hence, volume of pyramid is $2598\ cu. m$.

A pyramid whose base is a regular pentagon of area $42\ {cm}^2$ and whose height is $7$ cm. What is the volume (in ${cm}^3$) of the pyramid?

  1. $98$

  2. $105$

  3. $126$

  4. $147$

Correct Option: A

Given : Area of base of pyramid $=42\ cm^2$, height $=7\ cm$

We know that, Volume of pyramid $=\dfrac{1}{3}\times Area\ of\ base \times height$
                                                          $=\dfrac{1}{3}\times 42\times 7$
                                                          $=98\ cm^3$
Hence, volume of pyramid is $98\ cm^3$.