Tag: coulomb's law

Questions Related to coulomb's law

The electric potential in a certain region along the x-axis varies with x according to the relation $V(x) = 5 - 4x^2$. Then, the correct statement is :

  1. the potential difference between the points $x =1$m and $x=2$m is $12$ Volt

  2. the force experienced by a Coulomb of charge placed at $x =1$ m is $8$ Newton

  3. the electric field components along Y and Z direction are zero

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D


$V(1)=5-4=1 V,  V(2)=5-4(2^2)=-11 V$

Potential difference between $x=1 m$ and $x=2 m$ is $V _{12}=V _1-V _2=1-(-11)=12 V$

here, $E _x=-\dfrac{dV}{dx}=8x,  E _y=-\dfrac{dV}{dy}=0$ and $E _z=-\dfrac{dV}{dz}=0$

The electric force on $1$ coulomb charge at $x=1$ is $F=qE _x=1(8)=8 N$

A point charge q moves from point P to a point S along a path PQRS in a uniform electric field E pointing parallel to the x-axis. The coordinates of P, Q. R and S are $(a, b, 0), (2a, 0, 0), (a, -b, 0)$ and $(0, 0, 0)$. The work done by the field in the above process is :

  1. $zero$

  2. $qEB$

  3. $qEa$

  4. $-qEa$

Correct Option: D

As the field E is uniform, so E is constant at every point.
As E is directed parallel to x axis, so $\vec{E}=E\hat i$
The work done , $W=\int \vec{F}.\vec{dr}=\int qE\hat i.(\hat{i}dx+\hat{j}dy+\hat{k}dz)$
$W=qE\int dx=qE[\int _a^{2a}dx+\int^a _{2a}dx+\int _a^{0}dx]=qE[2a-a+a-2a+0-a]=-qEa$

In a certain region of space, the potential is given by : $V = k {[2x^2 - y^2 + z^2]}$. The electric field at the point (1, 1, 1) has magnitude = 

  1. $k\sqrt{6}$

  2. $2k\sqrt{6}$

  3. $2k\sqrt{3}$

  4. $4k\sqrt{3}$

Correct Option: B

A charge of 3C moving in a uniform electric field experiences a force of $3000 N$. The potential difference between two points situated in the field at a distance $1 cm$ from each other will be

  1. $10 V$

  2. $90 V$

  3. $1000 V$

  4. $9000 V$

Correct Option: A

The potential at a point $x$ (measured in $\mu m )$ due to somecharges situated on the $x$ -axis is given by $V ( x ) = 20 / \left( x ^ { 2 } - 4 \right)$Volts. The electric field $E$ at $x = 4 \mu m$ is given by

  1. 5$/ 3$ Volt / \mum and in the -ve $x$ direction

  2. 5$/ 3$ Volt $/ \mu m$ and in the +ve $x$ direction

  3. 10$/ 9$ Volt / \mum and in the -ve $x$ direction

  4. 10$/ 9$ Volt $/ \mu m$ and in the +ve $x$ direction

Correct Option: B

Variation in potential is maximum if one goes :

  1. along the line of force

  2. perpendicular to the line of force

  3. in any direction

  4. none of these

Correct Option: A

$dV=-\vec{E}.d\vec{r}=-Edr cos\theta$

Hence, variation will be maximimum for $\theta=0^{o}$ or $180^{o}$, that is variation $dV$ is maximum along line of field or say line of force.


The electric field lines are closer together near object $A$ than they are near object $B$. We can conclude that :

  1. the potential near $A$ is greater than the potential near $B$

  2. the potential near $A$ is less than the potential near $B$

  3. the potential near $A$ is equal to the potential near $B$

  4. nothing about the relative potentials near $A$ and $B$

Correct Option: D

Potential decreases in the direction of electric field. So it depends  on whether the lines of forces are from $A$ to $B$ or from $B$ to $A$.

There is an electric field $E$ in the x-direction. If the work done by the electric field in moving a charge of $0.2 C$ through a distance of $2 m$ along a line making an angle $60^{\circ}$ with the x-axis is $4 J$, then what is the value of $E$?

  1. $\displaystyle \sqrt3 NC^{-1}$

  2. $\displaystyle 4 NC^{-1}$

  3. $\displaystyle 5 NC^{-1}$

  4. $\displaystyle 20 NC^{-1}$

Correct Option: D

$\displaystyle F = qE$
work will only be done in moving the charged particle in $x$ direction

work done in moving the charge in y-direction will be $0$
Work done , $W=\int \vec{F}.\vec{dr}$

$\displaystyle W = qE \times 2 cos  60^{\circ}$

or $\displaystyle 4 = 0.2E\times 2 \times \dfrac{1}{2}$

$  \implies  E = 20 NC^{-1}$

Charge $Q$ is given a displacement $\displaystyle \vec{r} = a\hat{i}+b\hat{j}$ in an electric field $\displaystyle \vec{E} = E _1\hat{i}+E _2\hat{j}$. The work done is :

  1. $\displaystyle Q(E _1a+E _2b)$

  2. $\displaystyle Q\sqrt{(E _1a)^2+(E _2b)^2}$

  3. $\displaystyle Q (E _1+E _2) \sqrt{a^2+b^2}$

  4. $\displaystyle Q \sqrt{(E _1^2+E^2 _2)^2} \sqrt{a^2+b^2}$

Correct Option: A

Work done in the presence of electric field E is $W=\vec F. \vec r = q\vec E.\vec r$
$W=Q[(E _1\hat{i}+E _2\hat{j}).( a\hat{i}+b\hat{j})]$
$W=Q(E _1a+E _2b)$

The electric potential decreases uniformly from $120V$ to $80V$ as one moves on the x-axis from $x=-1cm$ to $x=+1cm$. The electric field at the origin

  1. must be equal to $20V{cm}^{-1}$

  2. may be equal to $20V{cm}^{-1}$

  3. may be greater than $20V{cm}^{-1}$

  4. may be less than $20V{cm}^{-1}$

Correct Option: B,C