Tag: matter around us

Questions Related to matter around us

Among the following, the highest value of prefix is:

  1. yocto

  2. deca

  3. giga

  4. yotta

Correct Option: D

Yocto= $10^{-24}$,             Deca= $10^1$

Griga=$10^9$,                    Yotta=$10^{24}$

Therefore, the highest value of prefix is Yotta  $10^{24}$

The correct option is (D)

Unit of luminous intensity is:

  1. mole

  2. candela

  3. kelvin

  4. ampere

Correct Option: B

Luminous intensity is a measure of the wavelength-weighted power emitted by a light source in a particular direction per unit solid angle.

Based on the luminosity function, a standardized model of the sensitivity of the human eye. 
The SI unit of luminous intensity is candela(cd).

So, option ( B ) is correct.

The symbol of S.I unit of amount of substance is:

  1. mole

  2. density

  3. equivalent weight

  4. molecular weight

Correct Option: A

Mole is used to represent the amount of a substance. For an element or a compound, mole is given by

$n=\dfrac{Weight\ in\ grams}{Molecular\ Weight}$

Its SI unit is $mole$.

Which one of the following temperatures is approximately equal to "room temperature ?"

  1. $0\ K$

  2. $293\ K$

  3. $100$ Degree Celsius

  4. $0$ Degree Celsius

Correct Option: B

One fermi is?

  1. $10^{-15}$ cm

  2. $10^{-13}$ cm

  3. $10^{-10}$ cm

  4. $10^{-12}$ cm

Correct Option: B

One fermi = $10^{-15}m = 10^{-13}cm$ .

The temperature of absolute zero is _______

  1. $273.15^{0}C$

  2.  $0^{0}C$

  3. $-373^{0}C$

  4. $-273.15^{0}C$

Correct Option: D

The temperature of absolute zero is $T=t+273.15$

Absolute Zero$=T=0$ 

Then $0=t+273.15 ^0C$ 

$t=-273.15 ^oC$

S.I unit for the coefficient of viscosity is equal to?

  1. $Nm^{-1}s$

  2. $Pa s^{-1}$

  3. $Nm^{-2} s$

  4. $Pa s^{-2}$

Correct Option: C

The greatest of the combination is?

  1. $(9.0\pm 0.3)$ S.I unit

  2. $(9.0\pm 0.2)$ S.I unit

  3. $(9.0\pm 0.1)$ S.I unit

  4. $(9.0\pm 0.5)$ S.I unit

Correct Option: D

A volume of ${ 1m }^{ 3 }$ is equal to ?

  1. ${ 1000\quad cm }^{ 3 }$

  2. ${ 100\quad cm }^{ 3 }$

  3. ${ 10\quad dm }^{ 3 }$

  4. ${ 10 }^{ 6 }{ cm }^{ 3 }$

Correct Option: D

SI unit of temperature is ________ .

  1. $K$

  2. $^oC$

  3. $^oF$

  4. u

Correct Option: A

SI unit of temperature is Kelvin because Kelvin was the the first person to suggest using Kelvin in thermodynamic temperature scale.