A_____structure starts with a general topic that includes link to more specific topics.

  1. Hierarchical

  2. Linear

  3. Mixed

Correct Option: A

To answer this question, the user needs to be familiar with the different types of structures used in organizing information.

The correct answer is:

A. Hierarchical


A hierarchical structure is a type of organization that begins with a general topic and then branches out into more specific subtopics. This type of structure is often depicted as a tree or pyramid, with the topic at the top and the subtopics branching out below it. Each subtopic may have its own subtopics, creating a hierarchical structure.

B. Linear

A linear structure, on the other hand, presents information in a straight line or sequence. There is no branching out into subtopics, and the information is presented in a clear, chronological order.

C. Mixed

A mixed structure combines elements of both hierarchical and linear structures. It may start with a general topic and then branch out into subtopics, but these subtopics may also be presented in a linear sequence.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

The Answer is: A. Hierarchical

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