HTML Quiz - 2
Description: HTML Quiz - 2 | |
Number of Questions: 15 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: html |
Relative path make your hypertext links______.
A_____structure starts with a general topic that includes link to more specific topics.
Which of the following path is supported by HTML?
You cannot designate an inline image as a hypertext link.
Because each computer differs in terms of what fonts it can display, each individual browser determines how text is to be displayed.
You do not have to connect to the internet to verify changes to a Web page on your computer.
You can combine structures e.g, linear and hierarchical.
What is HTML stands for?
What is the tag for an inline frame?
Within the MAP tag, you use the AREA tag to specify the areas of the image that will act as a hotspot.
Can you create an e-mail form with auto responder using form action
What is the most widely use e-mail form script?
There are_____color names recognized by all version of HTML.
Software programs, like your Web browser, use a mathemathical approach to define color.
If you want to increase the font size by 2 relative to the surrounding text, you enter +2 in the tag.