Which of the following is possible only through cybercrime (choose the best one)

  1. Looting a bank

  2. Looting email addresses, personal information

  3. Stuxnet kind of attacks

  4. Distributing virus, worms

Correct Option: D

To answer this question, the user needs to know what cybercrime is and what activities constitute cybercrime.

Out of the given options, looting a bank is not a cybercrime. It is a traditional crime that can be committed without the use of computers or the internet.

On the other hand, looting email addresses, personal information, distributing viruses and worms are activities that can only be carried out through the use of computers and the internet, making them cybercrimes.

Stuxnet kind of attacks is a type of cybercrime which is designed to damage or destroy specific industrial equipment. Stuxnet was used to target Iran's nuclear program, and it caused physical damage to centrifuges at a uranium enrichment plant.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

The Answer is: D. Distributing virus, worms

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