Each record in (row) in relational database corresponds to one of the following in Process Commander. In other words, one row in table is created whenever following of process commander is created.

  1. Flow for a class

  2. Model for a class

  3. Activity for a class

  4. Flow action for a class

  5. Instance of any class

Correct Option: E

AI Explanation

To answer this question, we need to understand the concept of a relational database and how it relates to Process Commander.

In a relational database, a record or row corresponds to a single entity or instance of a particular class. This means that each row represents a specific occurrence or instance of a class in the database.

In Process Commander, the equivalent of an instance of a class in a relational database is an "Instance of any class". Whenever a new instance of a class is created in Process Commander, a new row is added to the corresponding table in the relational database.

Let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) Flow for a class - This option is incorrect because a flow for a class does not correspond to a single row in a relational database. Flows define the sequence of activities and actions within a process in Process Commander and do not directly map to a relational database record.

Option B) Model for a class - This option is incorrect because a model for a class also does not correspond to a single row in a relational database. Models define the structure and relationships of the data within a class in Process Commander and do not directly map to a relational database record.

Option C) Activity for a class - This option is incorrect for the same reasons mentioned above. Activities define the specific actions or tasks to be performed within a process in Process Commander and do not directly map to a relational database record.

Option D) Flow action for a class - This option is also incorrect because a flow action for a class does not correspond to a single row in a relational database. Flow actions define the user interface and interaction elements within a process in Process Commander and do not directly map to a relational database record.

Option E) Instance of any class - This option is correct because an instance of any class in Process Commander corresponds to a single row in a relational database. Each instance represents a specific occurrence or entity of a class, and a new row is created in the corresponding table in the relational database for each instance.

Therefore, the correct answer is Option E) Instance of any class. This option is correct because it accurately represents the relationship between a record in a relational database and Process Commander.

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