Which of the following activities should be performed during the selection and implementation of a testing tool i) Investigate the organization's test process. ii) Conduct a proof of concept. iii) Implement the selected tool on a project behind schedule to save time. iv) Identify coaching and mentoring requirements for the use of the selected tool

  1. i, ii, iii

  2. ii, iii, iv

  3. i, iii, iv

  4. i, ii, iv

Correct Option: D

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the activities involved in the selection and implementation of a testing tool. Let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) i, ii, iii - This option is incorrect because it includes activity iii, which suggests implementing the selected tool on a project behind schedule to save time. This is not a recommended practice as it can introduce additional risks and potentially worsen the situation.

Option B) ii, iii, iv - This option is incorrect because it does not include activity i, which is to investigate the organization's test process. Understanding the organization's test process is crucial in selecting and implementing a testing tool that aligns with the organization's needs and requirements.

Option C) i, iii, iv - This option is incorrect because it does not include activity ii, which is to conduct a proof of concept. Conducting a proof of concept helps evaluate the tool's capabilities and suitability before making a final decision.

Option D) i, ii, iv - This option is correct because it includes all the recommended activities during the selection and implementation of a testing tool.

The correct answer is D. This option is correct because it includes investigating the organization's test process (i), conducting a proof of concept (ii), and identifying coaching and mentoring requirements (iv), which are all important steps in ensuring the successful selection and implementation of a testing tool.

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