What is the maximum value can be stored in S9(8) COMP

  1. (A) 9999

  2. (B) 999999

  3. (C) 9999999

  4. (D) 99999999

Correct Option: D

AI Explanation

To answer this question, we need to understand the format of the S9(8) COMP data type in COBOL.

The S9(8) COMP data type is used to represent a signed numeric value with a total of 8 digits, including the sign. The "S" indicates that it can represent positive or negative values, and the "9(8)" specifies that it can hold a maximum of 8 digits.

In COBOL, the COMP data type is used to store binary data. It is a binary representation of the numeric value, which allows for faster calculations and efficient use of memory.

To determine the maximum value that can be stored in S9(8) COMP, we need to consider the range of values that can be represented by 8 digits. Since the COMP data type is binary, each digit can be represented by 4 bits. Therefore, 8 digits would require a total of 32 bits.

The maximum value that can be represented by 32 bits is 2^32 - 1, which is 4294967295. However, since the S9(8) COMP data type includes a sign, we need to consider the range of signed values.

With 8 digits, the maximum positive value that can be stored in S9(8) COMP is (2^31 - 1), which is 2147483647. The negative value can range from -2147483648 to 2147483647.

Therefore, the maximum value that can be stored in S9(8) COMP is 99999999, as mentioned in option (D).

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