data a; do X=1 to 3 ; input ID NAME $ AGE; end; datalines; 01 vivek 22 02 vital 25 03 rajes 20 ; What will be the number of observations and variables in output dataset??

  1. 3 and 3

  2. 1 and 3

  3. 1 and 4

  4. 3 and 1

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To determine the number of observations and variables in the output dataset, let's go through the given code step by step.

The code snippet data a; initializes a dataset named "a".

The do X=1 to 3; statement starts a loop that iterates from 1 to 3.

Within the loop, the input ID NAME $ AGE; statement reads three variables from the input data: ID (numeric), NAME (character), and AGE (numeric).

The end; statement marks the end of the loop.

The datalines; statement indicates that the input data is provided in the following lines.

The input data is given as:

01 vivek 22 02 vital 25 03 rajes 20

From the input data, we can see that there are 3 observations and 3 variables (ID, NAME, AGE).

Therefore, the correct answer is:

C) 1 and 4

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