programming languages Online Quiz - 121
Description: programming languages Online Quiz - 121 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: programming languages |
PROC SORT data = lib.temp out = temp2; By subjid; Run; In which library temp2 is made?
options obs = 500; Data TEMP; Set test(firstobs = 75); Run; What will be the number of observations in temp dataset?
PROC SORT data = temp out=new; BY JOBCODE Descending SALARY; RUN; Temp DATASET What will be the output??
data temp; test = ‘X’; select(test); when(‘Y’) Name = ‘Ank’; when(‘X’) Name = ‘Ankur’; when(‘Z’) Name = ‘ ’; end; run; What is the output?
data null; put ‘test’; run; Where will the ouput(test) be written?
What is true about ERROR variable?
1----5----10--- (data in file ‘asa’) 03132000 data temp; infile ‘asa’; input date : MMDDYY10.; run; What will be stored in date?
data test; n=1; do while(n lt 6); n+1; end; run; What will be the value of n at the end of datastep?
data test; dat = '13MAR2000'd; format dat WEEKDATE.; run; What will be the value of dat in output dataset?
data temp; set x; run; “missing code” data test; set y; run; What will be the missing code to reset the page number ?
DATA TEMP; Infile ‘filename’; Input ID $5 @; If ID = ‘RAMES’ then input Y $6 Z $10 @; else ID = ‘VIJAY’ then input R $2 @; Input age 5.; RUN; How many lines are read from input file during one execution of dataset?
How to write comma separated file?
1----5----10----15----(file ‘abc’) RAM,,20 RAJU,SHARMA,24 DATA temp; Infile ‘abc’ dsd; Input FNAME $ LNAME $ AGE; RUN; What will be the value of LNAME for 1st observation?
libname temp ‘’; data temp.X1; set sasuser.X2; run; Which is the correct statement??
What is the output of DATE9. format?
data a; do X=1 to 3 ; input ID NAME $ AGE; end; datalines; 01 vivek 22 02 vital 25 03 rajes 20 ; What will be the number of observations and variables in output dataset??
What informat should be used to read the date variable in the flat file having the values like 02NOV2003?
Flat file structure is as below 1----5----10 $1,120 The following code is submitted. data temp; infile ‘file specification’; input salary 5; run; What would be the value of SALARY in the dataset TEMP
Format name or Informat name should end with a dot eg:DATE9.
data temp; length y $5; x=4; if x=4 then y='four'; else if x=7 then y='seven'; x=7; run; What would be the value of X and Y in the dataset temp?