The JOIN is a SQL keyword used to ...

  1. update database table

  2. verify that the inserted data is correct

  3. select data from 2 or more tables related by common attribute (table column).

  4. delete data from database table

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the concept of JOIN in SQL.

The JOIN keyword is used to select data from multiple tables that are related by a common attribute (table column). It allows you to combine rows from different tables based on their related values.

Let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) Update database table - This option is incorrect. The JOIN keyword is not used to update database tables. The UPDATE keyword is used for that purpose.

Option B) Verify that the inserted data is correct - This option is incorrect. The JOIN keyword is not used to verify the correctness of inserted data. Data validation is usually done using constraints, triggers, or other mechanisms.

Option C) Select data from 2 or more tables related by a common attribute (table column) - This option is correct. The JOIN keyword is used to combine rows from multiple tables based on a common attribute or column. It allows you to retrieve data from related tables in a single query.

Option D) Delete data from a database table - This option is incorrect. The JOIN keyword is not used to delete data from a database table. The DELETE keyword is used for that purpose.

The correct answer is Option C. This option is correct because the JOIN keyword is used to select data from multiple tables related by a common attribute (table column).

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