databases Online Quiz - 165

Description: databases Online Quiz - 165
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: databases
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Which of the following is a SQL aggregate function

  1. join

  2. len

  3. left

  4. avg

Correct Option: D

The JOIN is a SQL keyword used to ...

  1. update database table

  2. verify that the inserted data is correct

  3. select data from 2 or more tables related by common attribute (table column).

  4. delete data from database table

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the concept of JOIN in SQL.

The JOIN keyword is used to select data from multiple tables that are related by a common attribute (table column). It allows you to combine rows from different tables based on their related values.

Let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) Update database table - This option is incorrect. The JOIN keyword is not used to update database tables. The UPDATE keyword is used for that purpose.

Option B) Verify that the inserted data is correct - This option is incorrect. The JOIN keyword is not used to verify the correctness of inserted data. Data validation is usually done using constraints, triggers, or other mechanisms.

Option C) Select data from 2 or more tables related by a common attribute (table column) - This option is correct. The JOIN keyword is used to combine rows from multiple tables based on a common attribute or column. It allows you to retrieve data from related tables in a single query.

Option D) Delete data from a database table - This option is incorrect. The JOIN keyword is not used to delete data from a database table. The DELETE keyword is used for that purpose.

The correct answer is Option C. This option is correct because the JOIN keyword is used to select data from multiple tables related by a common attribute (table column).

  1. we are using left and right join together

  2. we are joining more than 2 tables

  3. we are joining table to itself

  4. when joining a table and its view

Correct Option: C

The difference between the DELETE and TRUNCATE SQL clauses is:

  1. The DELETE clause deletes all rows in a database table, while the TRUNCATE clause can have a WHERE condition and might or might not delete all rows in a table.

  2. The TRUNCATE clause is identical to the DELETE clause

  3. The TRUNCATE clause deletes all rows in a database table, while the DELETE clause can have a WHERE condition and might or might not delete all rows in a table.

  4. None fo the above

Correct Option: C

What does the CREATE TABLE statement do?

  1. Creates a database view

  2. Creates a new database table

  3. Creates a stored procedure

  4. Creates a trigger

Correct Option: C

What is a trigger?

  1. A trigger is part of data extraction process.

  2. A trigger is a special kind of stored procedures executed when certain event occurs.

  3. A trigger defines relations between tables.

  4. A trigger is a part of error handling

Correct Option: C

What does follow after the SQL SELECT clause?

  1. List of columns that will be selected or the * symbol.

  2. The JOIN SQL clause.

  3. The name of the table we are selecting from.

  4. Selects a database

Correct Option: A

Which clause specifies conditions that determines the groups included in the query?

  1. Having Clause

  2. Where clause

  3. Distinct

  4. Exists

Correct Option: A

What is Identity Column?

  1. Work as primary key

  2. Uniquely identify the records

  3. show a relation between the primary key and unique key

  4. All of the above

  5. None of these

Correct Option: E

You want to make changes in another database object whenever any new database object is created. which of the following triggers will you use?

  1. DML Trigger

  2. Instead of Trigger

  3. DDL Trigger

  4. Nested Trigger

Correct Option: C

You are creating an index for an existing table. There is already a nonclustered index on the primary key. You would like to put the data into address sequence, which is made up of several fields. The address is not the primary key. What should you do?

  1. Change the primary key index to clustered and create a nonclustered index on the address

  2. Create a nonclustered index on the address.

  3. Create a clustered index on the address.

  4. Change the primary key to the address and make the index clustered.

Correct Option: C

Which SQL keyword is used to retrieve a minimum value?

  1. DOWN

  2. LOW

  3. MIN

  4. LOWER

Correct Option: C

What is the default value of PAD INDEX option in creation of indexes?

  1. ON

  2. OFF

  3. NULL

  4. None of the options

Correct Option: B

AI Explanation

To answer this question, let's first understand what the PAD INDEX option is in the context of index creation.

When an index is created on a table in a database management system, the PAD INDEX option determines the amount of space that is reserved for each index entry. This reserved space is used to accommodate future growth in the index.

Now, let's go through each option to determine the default value of the PAD INDEX option:

Option A) ON - This option is incorrect because the default value of the PAD INDEX option is not "ON".

Option B) OFF - This option is correct. The default value of the PAD INDEX option is "OFF". This means that no extra space is reserved for each index entry.

Option C) NULL - This option is incorrect. The default value of the PAD INDEX option is not "NULL".

Option D) None of the options - This option is incorrect. The correct answer is option B, "OFF".

Therefore, the correct answer is option B. The default value of the PAD INDEX option in index creation is "OFF", meaning no extra space is reserved for each index entry.

Name the SAP utility provided for performing Database administration activities like (backup,restore)





Correct Option: C

Find the Valid Oracle SID among the options given below

  1. GRQ


  3. GRQ12


Correct Option: A

What Work Process is responsible for Database DML opeartions like Insert, Update and Delete?

  1. Insert Work Process

  2. Batch Work Process

  3. Dialog Work Process

  4. Update Work Process

Correct Option: D

Where do we find the Oracle alert log?

  1. /oracle//saptrace

  2. /oracle//dbs

  3. /oracle//sapdata

  4. /oracle//trace

Correct Option: A

Deviating from SAP naming conventions for Oracle Database will result in?

  1. May Cause Oracle Database components to function improperly

  2. May Cause some Management Components of SAP to function improperly

  3. May Cause both Oracle components and SAP components to function improperly

  4. No need to follow any SAP standard

Correct Option: B

Can you use both SELECT and WHERE SQL clauses in one SQL statement?

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

What is the purpose of the SQL AS clause?

  1. The AS SQL clause is used change the name of a column in the result set or to assign a name to a derived column.

  2. The AS clause is used with the JOIN clause only.

  3. The AS clause defines a search condition.

  4. The AS clause defines a group

Correct Option: A
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