What are the resulting values for the macro variables that are defined here? %let month1 = June; %let month2 = July; %let period1 = &month1&month2; %let period2 = May&month1; %let period3 = &month2.Aug;

  1. month1 June month2 July period1 June July period2 May June period3 July Aug

  2. month1 June month2 July period1 JuneJuly period2 MayJune period3 July.Aug

  3. month1 June month2 July period1 JuneJuly period2 MayJune period3 JulyAug

  4. month1 June month2 July period1 junejuly period2 Mayjune period3 julyaug

Correct Option: C

To understand the resulting values for the macro variables, we need to know that the ampersand (&) is used to reference the value of a macro variable. The resulting values for the macro variables are:

  • %let month1 = June; (the value of month1 is "June")
  • %let month2 = July; (the value of month2 is "July")
  • %let period1 = &month1&month2; (the value of period1 is "JuneJuly")
  • %let period2 = May&month1; (the value of period2 is "MayJune")
  • %let period3 = &month2.Aug; (the value of period3 is "July.Aug")

Therefore, the answer is:

The Answer is: C

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