To call a C/C++ function with a function return value

  1. (a) CALL . . . RETURNING

  2. (b) CALL . . . RECURRING

  3. (c) CALL . . . RECURSIVE

  4. (d) CALL . . . REFERRING

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To call a C/C++ function with a function return value, the correct option is A) (a) CALL . . . RETURNING.

Explanation: In C/C++, when you want to call a function and use its return value, you can use the syntax:

return_type variable = function_name(arguments);

For example, if you have a function named add that takes two integers as arguments and returns their sum, you can call it and store the result in a variable like this:

int result = add(3, 5);

In this case, the function add is called with the arguments 3 and 5, and the return value is assigned to the variable result.

Therefore, the correct option is A) (a) CALL . . . RETURNING.

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